Oracle ASM standalone configuration
In this blog, we are going to see the step-by-step configuration for standalone ASM using the oracle restart method.
Standalone Database:
The Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server is the Oracle software that provides system support for an Oracle database including volume management, file system, and automatic restart capabilities.
ASM server:
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is an integrated, high-performance database file system and disk manager. ASM is based on the principle that the database should manage storage instead of requiring an administrator to do it.
High Level Steps
Adding disk group in Virtual Machine
Grid software Installation
Oracle software installation
ASM standalone DB using the DBCA tool.
Adding Disk Group in Virtual Machine:
Step 1: open virtual machine hardware menu clicks add button:
Step 2:- Select an independent option and click next:
Step 3:- select create a new virtual disk and click next:
Step 4:- select allocate all disk space now option:
Step 5:- Select the folder and create the Disk:
Step 6:- OS-level disk partition :
Power on the virtual machine and check fdisk -l
Partition the disks:
Configure ASMLib using the following command.
oracleasm configure -i
create disk in OS level
/usr/sbin/oracleasm init
/usr/sbin/oracleasm createdisk DISK1 /dev/sdb1
GRID installation pre requests:
Check pre-install
Yum search preinstall
yum install oracle-database-preinstall-19c.x86_64 -y
yum install kmod-oracleasm.x86_64
yum install oracleasm-support.x86_64
Create a grid home directory and unzip the grid home
Add asm groups
[root@asm ~]# groupadd -g 54327 asmdba
[root@asm ~]# groupadd -g 54328 asmoper
[root@asm ~]# groupadd -g 54329 asmadmin
usermod -g oinstall -G dba,oper,backupdba,dgdba,kmdba,asmdba,asmoper,asmadmin,racdba oracle
Install the package cvudisk :
rpm -ivh /u01/app/grid/cv/rpm/cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1.rpm
Oracle Grid software installation:
Click the oracle restart method:
Give any disk group name and redundancy as external change the path as /dev/oracleasm/disks
Set the password for ASM
Click next to continue.
Click next to continue
check the installation path
check the inventory path
Give root password to run the script automatically:
Summary of grid installation:
Running the installation
Oracle Software installation
Unzip the Oracle 19c software in-home location
Run the ./runInstaller
Step1:- select set up software only option
Step 2:- select single instance database installation
Choose enterprise edition:
specify the location
oracle software installation completed
ASM Standalone Database creation using DBCA Tool:
Give sid name and create admin password also select container database and mention the db name
check the asm configuration
Summary of db creation
db creation in progress
Check the ASM standalone database created :
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