Dataguard Broker Configuration


Data Guard Broker:
         An Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration is a logical definition of an Oracle Data Guard configuration allowing for centralized management and configuration of the physical resources involved in the configuration. 

Step 1: Connect to both Databases (primary and standby) and issue the following command:-

SQL>alter system set dg_broker_start=true;
System altered.

Step 2: On the primary server, issue the following command to Register the Primary Server with the Broker.

[oratest@oracle dbs]$ dgmgrl sys/oracle@orcl
DGMGRL for Linux: Release – Production on Mon Nov 8 17:14:30 2021

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Welcome to DGMGRL, type “help” for information.
Connected to “orcl”
Connected as SYSDBA.

DGMGRL> create configuration 'dg_my_config' as primary database is 'orcl' connect 
identifier is orcl;

Configuration “dg_my_config” created with primary database “orcl”

Step 3: Now add the standby database:-

DGMGRL> add database stand as connect identifier is stand maintained as physical;

Database "stand" added

Step 4: Now we enable the new configuration;-

DGMGRL> enable configuration;


Step 5 ; The following commands show how to check the configuration and status of the databases from the broker:-

DGMGRL> show configuration;

Configuration - my_dg_config
Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
orcl     - Primary database
stand- Physical standby database
Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 26 seconds ago)
DGMGRL> show database orcl;

   Database - orcl
   Role:       PRIMARY
  Intended State:  TRANSPORT-ON
   Instance(s):    orcl
   Database Status:

  DGMGRL> show database stand;

  Database - stand

  Role:               PHYSICAL STANDBY

  Intended State:     APPLY-ON

  Transport Lag:      0 seconds (computed 1 second ago)

  Apply Lag:          0 seconds (computed 1 second ago)

  Average Apply Rate: 5.00 KByte/s

  Real Time Query:    OFF

  Database Status:

Step 6: Stop/Start Managed Recovery:-

Stop managed recovery.

SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

Start managed recovery.

SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;


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