Using RMAN Incremental Backups to Refresh Standby Database

In this article we are going to see about how to refresh the standby database using RMAN Incremental Backups.

My scenario is , I have faced the log difference between the primary and standby databases and then I sync the primary and standby databases by taking the incremental backup. Let us see in brief about here.

Overview steps:

Step:1 I have verified the log sequence on both the primary and standby databases then i found that there is a log difference between them.

Step:2 we can resolve this issue by taking the incremental backup on primary database and then restoring it in the standby database.

Step:3 First of all stop the redo transfer from primary to standby database by setting the log_archive_dest_2=DEFER.

Step:4 Find out the current_scn from v$database view in standby database.

Step:5 Then on primary, connect to the RMAN and take the incremental backup from the scn (which we noted in the standby database)

Step:6 Create the standby control file in primary database.

Step:7 By using server copy transfer the backup files, standby control file to the standby database.

Step:8 In standby database, replace the control file from backup.

Step:9 Stop the MRP(Managed Recovery Process) in standby database and shut down the database.

Step:10 Mount the standby database and connect to the RMAN, then catalog the backup pieces.

Step:11 Recover the standby database by using the incremental backup taken from the primary database.

Step:12 Enable log_archive_dest_state_2 parameter on primary and enable the MRP process on standby database.

Step:13 Then verify the log sequence sync between primary and standby databases.

Step:14 Finally we have refreshed/sync the standby database by using the incremental backup.

Step:1 Verify the log sequence on both primary and secondary database and found that there is a log difference between them.

on primary:

on standby:

Step:2 set the log_archive_dest_2=defer in primary database.

Step:3 Look for the current scn from the standby database.

Step:4 Take the incremental backup starting from that scn because after this scn only our primary and standby databases are not in sync.

Step:5 Create the standby controlfile in primary database.

Step:6 Move the incremental backup, standby controlfile from primary database to standby database through scp(server copy) and in standby database replace the controlfile from backup .

Step:7 Stop the MRP process in standby database.

Step:8 Recover the standby database by using the incremental backup taken from the primary database.

Step:9 Set the log_archive_dest_2=enable on primary database and start the MRP process in standby database.

Step:10 Start the MRP process on standby database.

Step:11 Verify the log sequence on both primary database and standby database, now both are in sync.

On primary:

On standby:

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