CHECKACTIVEFILESANDEXECUTABLES” FAILED Prerequisite Check “CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables” Failed

[oracle@oracleagent:Database] opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
from : /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/oraInst.loc
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Logfile location: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2022-01-21_08-04-36AM_1.log

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks…
Prerequisite check “CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables” failed.
The details are:

Following active executables are not used by opatch process :

Following active executables are used by opatch process :

UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check “CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables” failed.
Logfile location: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2022-01-21_08-04-36AM_1.log

OPatch failed with error code 73


[oracle@oracleagent:Database] /sbin/fuser /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/lib/libclntsh.so.12.1
/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/lib/libclntsh.so.12.1: 22235m 24173m
[oracle@oracleagent:Database] kill -9 22235 24173
[oracle@oracleagent:Database] opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
from : /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/oraInst.loc
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Logfile location: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2022-01-21_08-08-33AM_1.log

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks…
OPatch continues with these patches: 32768233 33128590

Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with Y
All checks passed.

Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
(Oracle Home = ‘/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0’)

Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
User Responded with Y
Backing up files…
Applying sub-patch ‘32768233’ to OH ‘/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0’
ApplySession: Optional component(s) [ oracle.network.cman, ] not present in the Oracle Home or a higher version is found.






Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.

If you want to be updated with all our articles send us the Invitation or Follow us:

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Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Oracleagent-344577549964301
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In this article, we are going to see steps used to apply the latest Oracle 19c Database Release Update (Patch 31771877) The Environment is a single instance database.

Review readme file on Patch 31771877 – Database Release Update

Download patch p31


Make sure the opatch version is minimum

Step:-1 Download the Patch from oracle support



Step:-2 Copied the patch to DB Server

[oratest@oracle ~]$ mkdir patch

[oratest@oracle ~]$ ls

[oratest@oracle ~]$ cd patch/

[oratest@oracle ~]$ ls -lrth
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 oratest oratest 116M Oct 21 10:55
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 oratest oratest 1.6G Oct 21 11:23 p6880880_210000_Linux-x86-64.zip

Step:-3 Upgrade Opatch Tool from to

[oratest@oracle ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME
[oratest@oracle ~]$ ls
[oratest@oracle ~]$ ./opatch version
OPatch Version:

OPatch succeeded

[oratest@oracle ~]$ cd /home/oratest/patch 

[oratest@oracle ~]$  ls

[oratest@oracle ~]$cp p6880880_200000_Linux-x86-64.zip

[oratest@oracle ~]$ cd /app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1

[oratest@oracle ~]$pwd
[oratest@oracle ~]$ mv OPatch/ OPatch_BKP

[oratest@oracle ~]$ unzip p6880880_200000_Linux-x86-64.zip
Archive: p6880880_200000_Linux-x86-64.zip
creating: OPatch/
inflating: OPatch/emdpatch.pl
creating: OPatch/oracle_common/
creating: OPatch/oracle_common/modules/
inflating: OPatch/oracle_common/modules/com.oracle.glcm.common-logging_1.6.5.0.jar
inflating: OPatch/oracle_common/modules/common-logging-config.jar
creating: OPatch/oplan/

[oratest@oracle]$ cd OPatch
[oratest@oracle OPatch]$ ./opatch version
OPatch Version:
OPatch succeeded.

Step:-4 Check Patches status before applying using the below query

SET LONG 2000000
COLUMN action_time FORMAT A12
COLUMN comments FORMAT A30
COLUMN description FORMAT A60
COLUMN namespace FORMAT A20

SELECT TO_CHAR(action_time, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’) AS action_time,action,status,
description,patch_id FROM sys.dba_registry_sqlpatch ORDER by action_time;

Identifying Invalid Objects before patching

SQL> select owner,object_type,object_name,status from dba_objects 
where status='INVALID'; no row selected.

Step:-5  Apply RU patch on ORACLE_HOME 19c

[oracle@oraem01 soft]$ unzip p31771877_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip
[oracle@oraem01 soft]$ 31771877
[oratest@oracle 31771877]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1

[oratest@oracle 31771877]$ 
export PATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/OPatch:$PATH

Step – 6:- Apply opatch

[oratest@oracle 31771877]$  opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/
opatch/opatch2021-10-21_12-48-42PM_1.log Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks... OPatch continues with these patches: 31771877 Do you want to proceed? [y|n] y User Responded with: Y All checks passed. Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system. (Oracle Home = '/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1') Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n] y User Responded with: Y Backing up files... Applying interim patch '31771877' to OH '/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1' ApplySession: Optional component(s) [ oracle.network.gsm, ] ,
[ oracle.rdbms.ic, ] , [ oracle.rdbms.tg4db2, ] ,
[ oracle.tfa, ] , [ oracle.options.olap.awm, ] ,
[ oracle.net.cman, ] , [ oracle.xdk.companion, ] ,
[ oracle.oraolap.mgmt, ] , [ oracle.network.cman, ] ,
[ oracle.options.olap, ] , [ oracle.assistants.usm, ] ,
[ oracle.assistants.asm, ] , [ oracle.sqlj, ] ,
[oracle.jdk,] not present in the Oracle Home or a higher version is found. Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf, Patching component oracle.rdbms, Patching component oracle.rdbms.util, Patching component oracle.assistants.acf, Patching component oracle.assistants.deconfig, Patching component oracle.assistants.server, Patching component oracle.buildtools.rsf, Patching component oracle.ctx, Patching component oracle.dbjava.ic, Patching component oracle.dbjava.jdbc, Patching component oracle.dbjava.ucp, Patching component oracle.dbtoolslistener, Patching component oracle.ldap.rsf, Patching component oracle.network.rsf, Patching component oracle.oracore.rsf, Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts, Patching component oracle.rdbms.deconfig, Patching component oracle.sdo, Patching component oracle.sdo.locator.jrf, Patching component oracle.sqlplus, Patching component oracle.usm.deconfig, Patching component oracle.rdbms.crs, Patching component oracle.oraolap, Patching component oracle.precomp.rsf, Patching component oracle.javavm.client, Patching component oracle.precomp.common.core, Patching component oracle.network.client, Patching component oracle.rdbms.scheduler, Patching component oracle.ctx.atg, Patching component oracle.marvel, Patching component oracle.oraolap.dbscripts, Patching component oracle.ovm, Patching component oracle.bali.ice, Patching component oracle.ctx.rsf, Patching component oracle.rdbms.lbac, Patching component oracle.rdbms.oci, Patching component oracle.odbc, Patching component oracle.rdbms.rman, Patching component oracle.nlsrtl.rsf, Patching component oracle.rdbms.install.plugins, Patching component oracle.rdbms.drdaas, Patching component oracle.ldap.rsf.ic, Patching component oracle.ldap.security.osdt, Patching component oracle.dbdev, Patching component oracle.rdbms.install.common, Patching component oracle.sdo.locator, Patching component oracle.duma, Patching component oracle.sqlplus.ic, Patching component oracle.xdk.rsf, Patching component oracle.xdk.parser.java, Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic, Patching component oracle.precomp.common, Patching component oracle.precomp.lang, Patching component oracle.jdk, Patch 31771877 successfully applied. Sub-set patch [29517242] has become inactive due to the application of a super-set
patch [31771877]. Please refer to Doc ID 2161861.1 for any possible further required actions. Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/
opatch2021-10-21_12-48-42PM_1.log OPatch succeeded.

Step – 7 – Run the Below Commands

SQL> select owner from all_objects where status='INVALID';
no rows selected
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql
Session altered.
COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_BGN              2021-10-21 13:20:37
DOC>   The following PL/SQL block invokes UTL_RECOMP to recompile invalid
DOC>   objects in the database. Recompilation time is proportional to the
DOC>   number of invalid objects in the database, so this command may take
DOC>   a long time to execute on a database with a large number of invalid
DOC>   objects.
DOC>   Use the following queries to track recompilation progress:
DOC>   1. Query returning the number of invalid objects remaining. This
DOC>      number should decrease with time.
DOC>         SELECT COUNT(*) FROM obj$ WHERE status IN (4, 5, 6);
DOC>   2. Query returning the number of objects compiled so far. This number
DOC>      should increase with time.
DOC>   This script automatically chooses serial or parallel recompilation
DOC>   based on the number of CPUs available (parameter cpu_count) multiplied
DOC>   by the number of threads per CPU (parameter parallel_threads_per_cpu).
DOC>   On RAC, this number is added across all RAC nodes.
DOC>   UTL_RECOMP uses DBMS_SCHEDULER to create jobs for parallel
DOC>   recompilation. Jobs are created without instance affinity so that they
DOC>   can migrate across RAC nodes. Use the following queries to verify
DOC>   whether UTL_RECOMP jobs are being created and run correctly:
DOC>   1. Query showing jobs created by UTL_RECOMP
DOC>         SELECT job_name FROM dba_scheduler_jobs
DOC>            WHERE job_name like 'UTL_RECOMP_SLAVE_%';
DOC>   2. Query showing UTL_RECOMP jobs that are running
DOC>         SELECT job_name FROM dba_scheduler_running_jobs
DOC>            WHERE job_name like 'UTL_RECOMP_SLAVE_%';
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_END              2021-10-21 13:20:41
DOC> The following query reports the number of invalid objects.
DOC> If the number is higher than expected, please examine the error
DOC> messages reported with each object (using SHOW ERRORS) to see if they
DOC> point to system misconfiguration or resource constraints that must be
DOC> fixed before attempting to recompile these objects.
DOC> The following query reports the number of exceptions caught during
DOC> recompilation. If this number is non-zero, please query the error
DOC> messages in the table UTL_RECOMP_ERRORS to see if any of these errors
DOC> are due to misconfiguration or resource constraints that must be
DOC> fixed before objects can compile successfully.
DOC> Note: Typical compilation errors (due to coding errors) are not
DOC>       logged into this table: they go into DBA_ERRORS instead.
Function created.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Function dropped.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select owner from all_objects where status='INVALID';
no rows selected

Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.

If you want to be updated with all our articles send us the Invitation or Follow us:

Ramkumar’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramkumardba/
LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramkumar-m-0061a0204/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Oracleagent-344577549964301
Ramkumar’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramkuma02877110
Ramkumar’s Telegram: https://t.me/oracleageant
Ramkumar’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ramkumarram8

Patch 30886680: DATABASE APR 2020 RELEASE UPDATE [Linux X86-64]

Below document I will explain how to apply APRIL 2020 PSU Patch

Overall steps:

  1. Export exact oracle home path
  2. Check the opatch version – Oracle recommends to use the latest Patch version
  3. Apply optach
  4. Datapatch verbose need to do
    Oracle Patch Download link: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/PatchDetail?requestId=23474251&_afrLoop=108504923966006&patchId=30886680&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=4te1a33nq_119
    Here we are going to check Opatch lsinventory:
[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ opatch lsinventory|grep "Patch description"
Patch description: "Database Apr 2021 Release Update : (30886680)"

[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
from : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Local Machine Information::
Hostname: oracleagent.oracledb
ARU platform id: 226
ARU platform description:: Linux x86-64

Installed Top-level Products (1):

Oracle Database 12c
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (1) :

Patch 30886680 : applied on Mon Jan 18 10:21:48 IST 2021
Unique Patch ID: 23474251
Patch description: "Database Apr 2021 Release Update : (30886680)"
Created on 1 Apr 2021, 01:36:23 hrs PST8PDT
Bugs fixed:
30533198, 30312568, 30086166, 28951106, 28435910, 8480838, 8932139
12763598, 13554903, 14221306, 14690846, 15931756, 16010385, 16438495
16727454, 16942578, 17107695, 17533661, 17947871, 18308268, 18521691
18594510, 18774543, 18878420, 19072655, 19211433, 19285105, 19327292
19526548, 19614183, 19647894, 19649997, 19710201, 19721304, 20003668
20087519, 20118035, 20121036, 20318049, 20436508, 20532077, 20549013
20588486, 20591151, 20617383, 20620169, 20736227, 20756305, 20866970
20176443, 21089435, 20215391, 21143725, 21147908, 21159907, 21178363
21186167, 21197018, 21216226, 21320338, 21433452, 21479706, 21517767
21521066, 21547051, 21638600, 21744603, 21788462, 21837606, 21882528
21935698, 21981529, 21985256, 22007318, 22070473, 22070853, 22072543
22087683, 22104866, 22107360, 22174392, 22179537, 22282748, 22310426
22347493, 22363790, 22364044, 22367053, 22379010, 21846455, 21854940
21895673, 22503283, 22503297, 22504793, 22522515, 22530186, 22564336
22568728, 22581771, 22594071, 22599050, 22628825, 22645001, 22645496
22654475, 22700845, 22726044, 22729345, 22826067, 22843979, 22845846
22864303, 22898198, 22921674, 22939829, 22950145, 22970869, 22981722
23018676, 23019710, 23106585, 23035189, 23055900, 23061453, 23065010
23066146, 23080557, 23104033, 23105538, 23101325, 23110523, 23125560
23126545, 23127945, 23143074, 23151677, 23168363, 23169712, 23177923
23179662, 23184263, 23197730, 23234232, 23237011, 23189829, 23271203
23278750, 23300142, 23306590, 23308065, 23310101, 23312077, 23328639
23333567, 23336559, 23342170, 23481673, 23491861, 23499004, 23499160
23521523, 23527363, 23533647, 23548817, 23567857, 23572982, 23581777
23588722, 23599216, 23600861, 23610213, 23645516, 23665623, 23701062
23715460, 23715518, 23730161, 23733981, 23735292, 23738304, 23741944
23743596, 23746128, 23749454, 23761718, 18006569, 18010030, 18289874
18289895, 18294174, 18303148, 18307571, 18308349, 18326444, 18326846
18328857, 18330708, 18332831, 18334708, 18336189, 18337882, 18341675
18343905, 18345420, 18346821, 18348685, 18350620, 18352981, 18355111
18357348, 18368004, 18371491, 18373528, 18373756, 18374976, 18376875
18376878, 18383086, 18385983, 18401351, 18403922, 18401977, 18415926
18416451, 18421668, 18423416, 18425056, 18425998, 18435982, 18437162
18440648, 18443539, 18457597, 18460392, 18461826, 18467122, 18468470
18470606, 18471079, 18471473, 18473736, 18485034, 18485161, 18485174
18486059, 18486237, 18501056, 18516314, 18530364, 18534401, 18554533
18555417, 18556862, 18556967, 18560106, 18563422, 18571014, 18570598
18573817, 18578718, 18578797, 18588377, 18589081, 18589590, 18591506
18593740, 18595699, 18600330, 18601592, 18601996, 18611527, 18616637
18617969, 18623975, 18618166, 18641895, 18654629, 18655717, 18664211
18668398, 18669189, 18674197, 18674955, 18676172, 18677696, 18680159
18687075, 18689376, 18692973, 18693010, 18693290, 18697323, 18699619
18710696, 18713381, 18714016, 18717183, 18717859, 18718260, 18719799
18735430, 18737064, 18737403, 18737581, 18737954, 18739791, 18744383
18744686, 18752618, 18757934, 18759556, 18760407, 18764085, 18766301
18784414, 18786669, 18791883, 18792678, 18793511, 18796012, 18797119
18800423, 18801152, 18810934, 18808504, 18811725, 18812047, 18818566
18827228, 18827654, 18831514, 18835919, 18841671, 18843188, 18844549
18844841, 18845157, 18848746, 18848923, 18850622, 18907917, 18908321
18911701, 18912588, 18920582, 18921478, 18922704, 18923080, 18923215
18923338, 18923790, 18918667, 18926999, 18929210, 18938784, 18940060
18942749, 18953434, 18957555, 18960044, 18960801, 18965426, 18966594
18966788, 18967993, 18968162, 18976007, 18978100, 25102574, 25107852
25108996, 25109102, 25109423, 25031510, 25032818, 25034396, 25036006
25036474, 25042823, 25044977, 25045228, 25050160, 25051465, 25051628
25054064, 25057811, 25058080, 25060506, 25062592, 25063971, 25065563
25072986, 25077278, 25078611, 25086233, 25087436, 25012777, 25013872
25015982, 25018160, 25019339, 25019497, 25019758, 25100063, 25100579
25103996, 25107662, 25111033, 25114561, 25121084, 25120668, 25120742
25121089, 25123585, 25118363, 25129925, 25130312, 25140197, 25145163
25145215, 25150125, 25159176, 25162645, 25164293, 25166187, 25171041
25171084, 25175723, 25176408, 25178032, 25178101, 25178179, 25179774
25182817, 25184453, 25184555, 25186079, 25191872, 25192044, 25192528
25192729, 25195901, 25199585, 25201454, 25210355, 25203656, 25205954
25206864, 25207410, 25201912, 25211068, 25210499, 25210690, 25211628
25219450, 25223839, 25218182, 25225795, 25226665, 25227381, 25230870
25230145, 25237577, 25180188, 25180590, 25181448, 25181625, 25184807
25188384, 25250101, 25251648, 25257085, 25259611, 25262869, 25263960
25265499, 25269133, 25283790, 25287072, 25293659, 25296876, 25299227
25299807, 25300427, 25303284, 25303756, 25305405, 25307368, 25301116
25313154, 25313411, 25316758, 25317989, 25320555, 25323525, 25328013
25328518, 25329664, 25335189, 25335360, 25335790, 25337332, 25337640
25348956, 25353983, 25356118, 25357142, 25360661, 25362958, 25367588
25367721, 25382812, 25383204, 25384462, 25386748, 25388896, 25392535
25393714, 25395696, 25397936, 25398306, 25404210, 25405100, 25405687
25405813, 25410017, 25410180, 25410810, 25410877, 25411036, 25415713
25416731, 25417050, 25417056, 25417958, 25425005, 25425451, 25425760
25427662, 25429959, 25430120, 25433696, 25435038, 25437699, 25440818
25442559, 25444961, 25445168, 25451531, 25455795, 25457401, 25459958
25462714, 25463844, 25472112, 25472885, 25476125, 25476149, 25477657
25478885, 25479164, 25481087, 25482971, 25486384, 25489342, 25489367
25489607, 25492379, 25498930, 25498994, 25516250, 25518955, 25528838
25530080, 25530814, 25535668, 25536819, 25537470, 25539063, 25540738
25546580, 25546608, 25547901, 25551676, 25553616, 25554787, 25555252
25557886, 25558986, 25560487, 25561296, 25569149, 25570129, 25573623
25575348, 25575369, 25575628, 25579458, 25579761, 25591394, 25594901
25597525, 25598473, 25599425, 25600342, 25600421, 25601999, 25601888
25603923, 25606011, 25607726, 25612015, 25614866, 25616268, 25616359
25616417, 25616645, 25631933, 25633101, 25634317, 25634348, 25635149
25638456, 25639019, 25643818, 25643889, 25643931, 25646373, 25647325
25648731, 25653101, 25654459, 25654936, 25655390, 25655966, 25659655
25660847, 25661819, 25662088, 25662021, 25662518, 25663488, 25667973
25669791, 25670786, 25671354, 25672640, 25674386, 25681021, 25685152
25686739, 25687460, 25691904, 25694206, 25695903, 25696520, 25699321
25700654, 25701368, 25710420, 25715167, 25717371, 25722055, 25722608
25722720, 25723017, 25723158, 25728085, 25729507, 25730014, 25734963
25736747, 25739065, 25740844, 25741955, 25743479, 25747569, 25749273
25752755, 25754606, 25756945, 25757697, 25757748, 25760195, 25762221
25764100, 25766822, 25768681, 25772669, 25774077, 25775213, 25775444
25780343, 25783447, 25784010, 25785331, 25785441, 25788879, 25789041
25789277, 25789579, 25790353, 25792911, 25795865, 25797012, 25797118
25797305, 25800464, 25810510, 25803364, 25803545, 25807997, 25801518
25811063, 25810704, 25811650, 25812390, 25813931, 25818707, 25821810
25823532, 25823754, 25825910, 25826740, 25830492, 25832935, 25834581
25835365, 25838361, 25838755, 25852885, 25856821, 25858672, 25861398
25865785, 25870579, 25871177, 25871639, 25871753, 25872127, 25872389
25873336, 25874050, 25874678, 25882264, 25883438, 25885148, 25888073
25888984, 25890056, 25890673, 25890782, 25894239, 25895218, 25897615
25898228, 25904273, 25904490, 25905130, 25906117, 25906886, 25908728
25911718, 25914276, 25919622, 25932518, 25932728, 25933494, 25941836
25943271, 25945130, 25947799, 25951571, 25953857, 25954102, 25954054
25957038, 25963018, 25964954, 25967544, 25967985, 25970731, 25971286
25971817, 25973152, 25975723, 25977310, 25980605, 25980770, 25981498
25982666, 25986062, 25990107, 25995938, 25997810, 26006257, 26007010
26019148, 26018732, 26018784, 26105681, 26109075, 26109777, 26109780
26032573, 26034119, 26036748, 26037215, 26038086, 26039623, 26040483
26045732, 26051656, 26078437, 26078493, 26080410, 26083298, 26087754
26088426, 26088836, 26010767, 26010893, 26011640, 26011786, 26015327
26015405, 26016382, 26108080, 26108337, 26111059, 26110632, 26111842
26112621, 26115103, 26121990, 26118078, 26130486, 26137367, 26137416
26138085, 26145560, 26149904, 26153372, 26153977, 26168933, 26169341
26169345, 26170659, 26170715, 26176010, 26187943, 26189861, 26198757
26198926, 26201113, 26203182, 26223039, 26237338, 26237431, 26237773
26238195, 26182031, 26182677, 26183698, 26184115, 26185237, 26188143
26189718, 26256131, 26257953, 26259265, 26261327, 26263328, 26263721
26268756, 26269790, 26271001, 26274660, 26275103, 26275415, 26277439
26281476, 26285062, 26285933, 26308650, 26301047, 26317991, 26318627
26323308, 26318206, 26318769, 26325856, 26327418, 26327618, 26327775
26330194, 26331743, 26333141, 26336977, 26338953, 26351334, 26351996
26353617, 26358670, 26359011, 26362155, 26362821, 26366517, 26367012
26367460, 26371725, 26373967, 26374791, 26375052, 26375250, 26380017
26385189, 26388538, 26396790, 26398675, 26399626, 26399691, 26405036
26406387, 26407408, 26410180, 26412540, 26418088, 26420561, 26421667
26422277, 26423085, 26426526, 26426967, 26430323, 26430737, 26434436
26434999, 26435073, 26436168, 26438612, 26439748, 26440169, 26440749
26442308, 26444601, 26444887, 26446018, 26452606, 26474662, 26474703
26475419, 26476184, 26478970, 26479173, 26482376, 26486365, 26492866
26493289, 26498354, 26513067, 26513701, 26521043, 26521839, 26523432
26526726, 26526799, 26536320, 26537307, 26542135, 26542236, 26542835
26544823, 26545688, 26546070, 26546664, 26546754, 26548363, 26556014
26558437, 26569225, 26575788, 26580633, 26581860, 26584641, 26588069
26597140, 26599395, 26608137, 26608238, 26601942, 26615291, 26615690
26617804, 26623652, 26626879, 26629381, 26633355, 26633558, 26635897
26637273, 26637818, 26639167, 26641610, 26651026, 26650540, 26654363
26658759, 26659182, 26669550, 26680105, 26712331, 26714486, 26714910
26717528, 26718511, 26725687, 26727397, 26729494, 26729611, 26740700
26744595, 26745010, 26751106, 26751171, 26755171, 26758193, 26764561
26765212, 26768105, 26775610, 26784501, 26790123, 26794786, 26797591
26798411, 26798516, 26810503, 26816582, 26820076, 26822314, 26822620
26818833, 26828994, 26829845, 26833932, 26837569, 26837710, 26840654
26844406, 26844870, 26849779, 26871815, 26875822, 26883456, 26895149
26896659, 26898563, 26907236, 26907327, 26908788, 26901100, 26901504
26910716, 26911000, 26939314, 26943004, 26944190, 26958896, 26963310
26966616, 26966916, 26967713, 26968670, 26969321, 26970175, 26970717
26981910, 26983259, 26985010, 26986173, 26992964, 27000158, 27006120
27006664, 27001164, 27013146, 27108251, 27032785, 27033520, 27033652
27034890, 27036163, 27037839, 27038986, 27039712, 27044169, 27044297
27045634, 27052607, 27056711, 27058530, 27060167, 27060859, 27061736
27072923, 27073314, 27079140, 27084613, 27087426, 27010765, 27012508
27013423, 27017854, 27100800, 27101105, 27105900, 27106179, 27110878
27115422, 27117822, 27119621, 27119861, 27122162, 27118618, 27125872
27133662, 27134734, 27135647, 27135993, 27138325, 27142120, 27142373
27142529, 27144928, 27151826, 27153641, 27160122, 27161071, 27162390
27161805, 27163928, 27165231, 27169796, 27170305, 27181537, 27181897
27185188, 27195935, 27199185, 27200159, 27202115, 27203055, 27207110
27208795, 27213218, 27216046, 27217412, 27223075, 27229389, 27231051
27234962, 27236722, 27182226, 27184337, 27184999, 27188917, 27189531
27250547, 27251690, 27255377, 27256000, 27258578, 27259307, 27262945
27264464, 27266185, 27274456, 27274536, 27275533, 27276231, 27283960
27284499, 27285184, 27288638, 27292213, 27293599, 27310711, 27310730
27303287, 27303938, 27304410, 27304906, 27305039, 27308088, 27314206
27314390, 27314697, 27320576, 27321179, 27329612, 27333106, 27334316
27338912, 27338946, 27339115, 27345231, 27346701, 27348081, 27349393
27351067, 27351628, 27359178, 27364854, 27367194, 27369515, 27370165
27375542, 27381498, 27383281, 27386467, 27393570, 27394703, 27395416
27396618, 27396672, 27396813, 27397048, 27400416, 27400598, 27404573
27404668, 27405645, 27416997, 27423251, 27418405, 27426363, 27432062
27432826, 27433385, 27433870, 27434193, 27439835, 27441326, 27442041
27445727, 27457891, 27459593, 27459948, 27466597, 27468303, 27486805
27487919, 27489107, 27493674, 27494663, 27501373, 27501413, 27501820
27504770, 27505229, 27508985, 27510159, 27525901, 27529661, 27533780
27533819, 27534501, 27540613, 27544973, 27548131, 27554074, 27555481
27558861, 27560610, 27561888, 27565906, 27567477, 27576342, 27576354
27587905, 27588271, 27593501, 27595973, 27601118, 27601441, 27607563
27611612, 27613080, 27613530, 27617978, 27620808, 27623159, 27629756
27632114, 27634676, 27634991, 27645231, 27657712, 27658186, 27666312
27671633, 27680669, 27686599, 27687880, 27688036, 27688019, 27688692
27691920, 27691939, 27693416, 27693713, 27695063, 27698953, 27700466
27704237, 27701046, 27710072, 27719000, 27726780, 27729678, 27739006
27740418, 27748954, 27751755, 27757567, 27757888, 27758544, 27758653
27758972, 27759077, 27769361, 27793533, 27799032, 27801337, 27818389
27819881, 27818540, 27818543, 27825181, 27828794, 27829295, 27833672
27834551, 27834569, 27835925, 27839353, 27846298, 27846499, 27847259
27850112, 27855490, 27861226, 27873412, 27882176, 27886087, 27897759
27898015, 27910561, 27901478, 27927431, 27929287, 27931299, 27935493
27940876, 27945870, 27951817, 27959048, 27959594, 27966472, 27967484
27983174, 27986817, 27994325, 27995215, 27995188, 27997875, 27998003
27999073, 27999638, 28001069, 28102021, 28103081, 28103399, 28103482
28018793, 28105414, 28106866, 28033429, 28040776, 28043157, 28045903
28067846, 28071549, 28072383, 28072567, 28074713, 28079127, 28010453
28018160, 28019662, 28108003, 28111583, 28120036, 28120151, 28118631
28125947, 28129791, 28140658, 28157786, 28164480, 28165439, 28171079
28174827, 28180464, 28181101, 28184554, 28188330, 28190796, 28194173
28199085, 28201419, 28201985, 28215510, 28218832, 28220398, 28223871
28226179, 28229360, 28236305, 28238264, 28182712, 28250129, 28256164
28271119, 28276054, 28279837, 28281014, 28282606, 28290434, 28294563
28310049, 28305001, 28305362, 28301406, 28319114, 28320399, 28330714
28330171, 28354603, 28357401, 28361221, 28365111, 28369012, 28371123
28373960, 28375383, 28378446, 28384353, 28386259, 28388910, 28391073
28391210, 28396445, 28397317, 28401116, 28410823, 28420042, 28420457
28423598, 28432129, 28434108, 28437315, 28439086, 28454215, 28454182
28468312, 28468493, 28481149, 28483184, 28489150, 28501075, 28510343
28503038, 28507318, 28508053, 28508557, 28512336, 28521330, 28521841
28528349, 28530171, 28535127, 28535272, 28537715, 28538439, 28541855
28545134, 28546290, 28547068, 28564479, 28571483, 28571807, 28572834
28578164, 28578945, 28585411, 28587723, 28589501, 28601033, 28608211
28612674, 28617631, 28617959, 28621470, 28622210, 28627255, 28636676
28639299, 28642899, 28678804, 28691965, 28692103, 28692275, 28697806
28708103, 28701063, 28710469, 28714988, 28728272, 28734355, 28740708
28742555, 28749289, 28749718, 28758010, 28758722, 28774416, 28777174
28791725, 28797711, 28803345, 28817449, 28819640, 28820669, 28821847
28830691, 28831971, 28835937, 28836716, 28838066, 28844866, 28849751
28852691, 28855922, 28856060, 28856172, 28863263, 28863487, 28867992
28887305, 28889730, 28891984, 28927452, 28949888, 28951382, 28956908
28959493, 28961011, 28965015, 28965787, 28986231, 28986257, 28987439
28991884, 28993295, 28993590, 29001888, 29006527, 29007321, 29007353
29001513, 29013832, 29018054, 29106582, 29107694, 29032276, 29040739
29048498, 29050886, 29061016, 29061016, 29115857, 29125374, 29158680
29163567, 29171032, 29173817, 29179017, 29182517, 29182901, 29189889
29198012, 29200700, 29203604, 29213320, 29218605, 29237575, 29187712
29189289, 29251030, 29250317, 29260156, 29278684, 29301463, 29339155
29343086, 29343861, 29347943, 29353821, 29372069, 29371860, 29375355
29375984, 29376346, 29378913, 29379978, 29383695, 29388100, 29398488
29399336, 29405462, 29401149, 29401455, 29426181, 29434301, 29436454
29437712, 29450812, 29452251, 29454978, 29464779, 29483626, 29483672
29483723, 29483771, 29501057, 29500163, 29504682, 29511611, 29518985
29530515, 29536342, 29538631, 29541849, 29542580, 29548592, 29549071
29580394, 29614575, 29621961, 29625065, 29626154, 29629430, 29633753
29637526, 29645349, 29651520, 29656843, 29667994, 29676089, 29678163
29685137, 29687220, 29690625, 29703195, 29707896, 29719146, 29718063
29726695, 29767177, 29782211, 29791152, 29794462, 29807964, 29813494
29817278, 29825525, 29836659, 29841687, 29846645, 29853485, 29865188
29869404, 29875459, 29876358, 29881050, 29884958, 29893132, 29910311
29914449, 29944035, 29944660, 29951620, 29961353, 29962927, 29962939
29991257, 30018017, 30031107, 30064268, 30076253, 30078934, 30088912
30018251, 30019310, 30114477, 30120608, 30125995, 30131286, 30147928
30150731, 30163183, 30164714, 30173113, 30177597, 30179644, 30189103
30196358, 31000758, 31015130, 31018044, 31018317, 31023712, 31039480
30181567, 30184787, 30186179, 30187305, 31052018, 31052156, 31053255
31065523, 31072329, 31081591, 31082501, 31083932, 30305880, 30312014
30342878, 30364613, 30365745, 30374739, 30384152, 30410386, 30403763
30408515, 30413137, 30416034, 30431274, 30441687, 30453442, 30458593
30460122, 30475115, 30485255, 30496957, 30497057, 30501574, 30503943
30501277, 30510527, 30582500, 30613937, 30635310, 30654401, 30671813
30741263, 30803210, 30815852, 30168208

OPatch succeeded.

[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ export PATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/$PATH
[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ opatch version
OPatch Version:
OPatch succeeded.

Here we are going to apply patch with opatch apply.

User need to give Y to proceed Patch.

[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
from : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks…
OPatch continues with these patches: 30886680

Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
All checks passed.

Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
(Oracle Home = '/u01/app/oracle/product/')

Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Backing up files…
Applying interim patch '30886680' to OH '/u01/app/oracle/product/'
ApplySession: Optional component(s) [ oracle.swd.oui, ] , [ oracle.oid.client, ] , [ oracle.has.crs, ] , [ oracle.rdbms.drdaas, ] , [ oracle.ons.daemon, ] , [ oracle.network.cman, ] not present in the Oracle Home or a higher version is found.

Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.util,…
Patching component oracle.network.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.ctx,…
Patching component oracle.ctx.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.has.common.cvu,…
Patching component oracle.ldap.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.deconfig,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic,…
Patching component oracle.sdo,…
Patching component oracle.sdo.locator,…
Patching component oracle.tfa,…
Patching component oracle.xdk.parser.java,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.dv,…
Patching component oracle.precomp.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.crs,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.rman,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.install.plugins,…
Patching component oracle.sqlplus,…
Patching component oracle.ons,…
Patching component oracle.oraolap,…
Patching component oracle.xdk.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.xdk,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.lbac,…
Patching component oracle.sqlplus.ic,…
Patching component oracle.assistants.server,…
Patching component oracle.nlsrtl.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.assistants.deconfig,…
Patching component oracle.ldap.rsf.ic,…
Patching component oracle.ldap.client,…
Patching component oracle.assistants.acf,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.oci,…
Patching component oracle.install.deinstalltool,…
Patching component oracle.oracore.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.precomp.lang,…
Patching component oracle.precomp.common,…
Patching component oracle.jdk,…
Patch 30886680 successfully applied.
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/product/

OPatch succeeded.

Bringing up the instance and execute the datapatch verbose.

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1883107968 bytes
Fixed Size 8623736 bytes
Variable Size 671011080 bytes
Database Buffers 1795162112 bytes
Redo Buffers 8151040 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch
[oracle@oracleagent OPatch]$ ./datapatch -verbose
SQL Patching tool version Production on Mon Jan 18 10:33:28 2021
Copyright (c) 2012, 2021, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Log file for this invocation: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_30825_2021_01_18_10_33_28/sqlpatch_invocation.log
Connecting to database…OK
Bootstrapping registry and package to current versions…done
Determining current state…done
Current state of SQL patches:
Bundle series DBRU:
ID 200414 in the binary registry and not installed in the SQL registry

Adding patches to installation queue and performing prereq checks…
Installation queue:
Nothing to roll back
The following patches will be applied:

Installing patches…
Patch installation complete. Total patches installed: 1

Validating logfiles…
Patch 30886680 apply: SUCCESS
logfile: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/30886680/23474251/30886680_apply_BIJU1_2021Jan18_10_34_01.log (no errors)
SQL Patching tool complete on Mon Jan 18 10:37:30 2021

[oracle@oracleagent OPatch]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Jan 18 10:38:48 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SQL> SELECT owner, object_name, object_type FROM all_objects WHERE status ='INVALID';
no rows selected

SQL> set line 1000
col action form a12
col version form a40
col description form a85
col action_date form a20
select description, action, to_char(action_time,'DD/MM/RR HH18:MI:SS') action_date, ' ' version
from dba_registry_sqlpatch;

DESCRIPTION              ACTION             ACTION_DATE          VERSION
----------------------------- ---------- --------------------- ------------------
DATABASE APR 2021 RELEASE      APPLY   18/01/20 10:37:30

Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.
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Patch 30886680: DATABASE APR 2020 RELEASE UPDATE [Linux X86-64]

Below document I will explain how to apply APRIL 2020 PSU Patch

Overall steps:

  1. Export exact oracle home path
  2. Check the opatch version – Oracle recommends to use the latest Patch version
  3. Apply optach
  4. Datapatch verbose need to do
    Oracle Patch Download link: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/PatchDetail?requestId=23474251&_afrLoop=108504923966006&patchId=30886680&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=4te1a33nq_119
    Here we are going to check Opatch lsinventory:
[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ opatch lsinventory|grep "Patch description"
Patch description: "Database Apr 2021 Release Update : (30886680)"

[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
from : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Local Machine Information::
Hostname: oracleagent.oracledb
ARU platform id: 226
ARU platform description:: Linux x86-64

Installed Top-level Products (1):

Oracle Database 12c
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (1) :

Patch 30886680 : applied on Mon Jan 18 10:21:48 IST 2021
Unique Patch ID: 23474251
Patch description: "Database Apr 2021 Release Update : (30886680)"
Created on 1 Apr 2021, 01:36:23 hrs PST8PDT
Bugs fixed:
30533198, 30312568, 30086166, 28951106, 28435910, 8480838, 8932139
12763598, 13554903, 14221306, 14690846, 15931756, 16010385, 16438495
16727454, 16942578, 17107695, 17533661, 17947871, 18308268, 18521691
18594510, 18774543, 18878420, 19072655, 19211433, 19285105, 19327292
19526548, 19614183, 19647894, 19649997, 19710201, 19721304, 20003668
20087519, 20118035, 20121036, 20318049, 20436508, 20532077, 20549013
20588486, 20591151, 20617383, 20620169, 20736227, 20756305, 20866970
20176443, 21089435, 20215391, 21143725, 21147908, 21159907, 21178363
21186167, 21197018, 21216226, 21320338, 21433452, 21479706, 21517767
21521066, 21547051, 21638600, 21744603, 21788462, 21837606, 21882528
21935698, 21981529, 21985256, 22007318, 22070473, 22070853, 22072543
22087683, 22104866, 22107360, 22174392, 22179537, 22282748, 22310426
22347493, 22363790, 22364044, 22367053, 22379010, 21846455, 21854940
21895673, 22503283, 22503297, 22504793, 22522515, 22530186, 22564336
22568728, 22581771, 22594071, 22599050, 22628825, 22645001, 22645496
22654475, 22700845, 22726044, 22729345, 22826067, 22843979, 22845846
22864303, 22898198, 22921674, 22939829, 22950145, 22970869, 22981722
23018676, 23019710, 23106585, 23035189, 23055900, 23061453, 23065010
23066146, 23080557, 23104033, 23105538, 23101325, 23110523, 23125560
23126545, 23127945, 23143074, 23151677, 23168363, 23169712, 23177923
23179662, 23184263, 23197730, 23234232, 23237011, 23189829, 23271203
23278750, 23300142, 23306590, 23308065, 23310101, 23312077, 23328639
23333567, 23336559, 23342170, 23481673, 23491861, 23499004, 23499160
23521523, 23527363, 23533647, 23548817, 23567857, 23572982, 23581777
23588722, 23599216, 23600861, 23610213, 23645516, 23665623, 23701062
23715460, 23715518, 23730161, 23733981, 23735292, 23738304, 23741944
23743596, 23746128, 23749454, 23761718, 18006569, 18010030, 18289874
18289895, 18294174, 18303148, 18307571, 18308349, 18326444, 18326846
18328857, 18330708, 18332831, 18334708, 18336189, 18337882, 18341675
18343905, 18345420, 18346821, 18348685, 18350620, 18352981, 18355111
18357348, 18368004, 18371491, 18373528, 18373756, 18374976, 18376875
18376878, 18383086, 18385983, 18401351, 18403922, 18401977, 18415926
18416451, 18421668, 18423416, 18425056, 18425998, 18435982, 18437162
18440648, 18443539, 18457597, 18460392, 18461826, 18467122, 18468470
18470606, 18471079, 18471473, 18473736, 18485034, 18485161, 18485174
18486059, 18486237, 18501056, 18516314, 18530364, 18534401, 18554533
18555417, 18556862, 18556967, 18560106, 18563422, 18571014, 18570598
18573817, 18578718, 18578797, 18588377, 18589081, 18589590, 18591506
18593740, 18595699, 18600330, 18601592, 18601996, 18611527, 18616637
18617969, 18623975, 18618166, 18641895, 18654629, 18655717, 18664211
18668398, 18669189, 18674197, 18674955, 18676172, 18677696, 18680159
18687075, 18689376, 18692973, 18693010, 18693290, 18697323, 18699619
18710696, 18713381, 18714016, 18717183, 18717859, 18718260, 18719799
18735430, 18737064, 18737403, 18737581, 18737954, 18739791, 18744383
18744686, 18752618, 18757934, 18759556, 18760407, 18764085, 18766301
18784414, 18786669, 18791883, 18792678, 18793511, 18796012, 18797119
18800423, 18801152, 18810934, 18808504, 18811725, 18812047, 18818566
18827228, 18827654, 18831514, 18835919, 18841671, 18843188, 18844549
18844841, 18845157, 18848746, 18848923, 18850622, 18907917, 18908321
18911701, 18912588, 18920582, 18921478, 18922704, 18923080, 18923215
18923338, 18923790, 18918667, 18926999, 18929210, 18938784, 18940060
18942749, 18953434, 18957555, 18960044, 18960801, 18965426, 18966594
18966788, 18967993, 18968162, 18976007, 18978100, 25102574, 25107852
25108996, 25109102, 25109423, 25031510, 25032818, 25034396, 25036006
25036474, 25042823, 25044977, 25045228, 25050160, 25051465, 25051628
25054064, 25057811, 25058080, 25060506, 25062592, 25063971, 25065563
25072986, 25077278, 25078611, 25086233, 25087436, 25012777, 25013872
25015982, 25018160, 25019339, 25019497, 25019758, 25100063, 25100579
25103996, 25107662, 25111033, 25114561, 25121084, 25120668, 25120742
25121089, 25123585, 25118363, 25129925, 25130312, 25140197, 25145163
25145215, 25150125, 25159176, 25162645, 25164293, 25166187, 25171041
25171084, 25175723, 25176408, 25178032, 25178101, 25178179, 25179774
25182817, 25184453, 25184555, 25186079, 25191872, 25192044, 25192528
25192729, 25195901, 25199585, 25201454, 25210355, 25203656, 25205954
25206864, 25207410, 25201912, 25211068, 25210499, 25210690, 25211628
25219450, 25223839, 25218182, 25225795, 25226665, 25227381, 25230870
25230145, 25237577, 25180188, 25180590, 25181448, 25181625, 25184807
25188384, 25250101, 25251648, 25257085, 25259611, 25262869, 25263960
25265499, 25269133, 25283790, 25287072, 25293659, 25296876, 25299227
25299807, 25300427, 25303284, 25303756, 25305405, 25307368, 25301116
25313154, 25313411, 25316758, 25317989, 25320555, 25323525, 25328013
25328518, 25329664, 25335189, 25335360, 25335790, 25337332, 25337640
25348956, 25353983, 25356118, 25357142, 25360661, 25362958, 25367588
25367721, 25382812, 25383204, 25384462, 25386748, 25388896, 25392535
25393714, 25395696, 25397936, 25398306, 25404210, 25405100, 25405687
25405813, 25410017, 25410180, 25410810, 25410877, 25411036, 25415713
25416731, 25417050, 25417056, 25417958, 25425005, 25425451, 25425760
25427662, 25429959, 25430120, 25433696, 25435038, 25437699, 25440818
25442559, 25444961, 25445168, 25451531, 25455795, 25457401, 25459958
25462714, 25463844, 25472112, 25472885, 25476125, 25476149, 25477657
25478885, 25479164, 25481087, 25482971, 25486384, 25489342, 25489367
25489607, 25492379, 25498930, 25498994, 25516250, 25518955, 25528838
25530080, 25530814, 25535668, 25536819, 25537470, 25539063, 25540738
25546580, 25546608, 25547901, 25551676, 25553616, 25554787, 25555252
25557886, 25558986, 25560487, 25561296, 25569149, 25570129, 25573623
25575348, 25575369, 25575628, 25579458, 25579761, 25591394, 25594901
25597525, 25598473, 25599425, 25600342, 25600421, 25601999, 25601888
25603923, 25606011, 25607726, 25612015, 25614866, 25616268, 25616359
25616417, 25616645, 25631933, 25633101, 25634317, 25634348, 25635149
25638456, 25639019, 25643818, 25643889, 25643931, 25646373, 25647325
25648731, 25653101, 25654459, 25654936, 25655390, 25655966, 25659655
25660847, 25661819, 25662088, 25662021, 25662518, 25663488, 25667973
25669791, 25670786, 25671354, 25672640, 25674386, 25681021, 25685152
25686739, 25687460, 25691904, 25694206, 25695903, 25696520, 25699321
25700654, 25701368, 25710420, 25715167, 25717371, 25722055, 25722608
25722720, 25723017, 25723158, 25728085, 25729507, 25730014, 25734963
25736747, 25739065, 25740844, 25741955, 25743479, 25747569, 25749273
25752755, 25754606, 25756945, 25757697, 25757748, 25760195, 25762221
25764100, 25766822, 25768681, 25772669, 25774077, 25775213, 25775444
25780343, 25783447, 25784010, 25785331, 25785441, 25788879, 25789041
25789277, 25789579, 25790353, 25792911, 25795865, 25797012, 25797118
25797305, 25800464, 25810510, 25803364, 25803545, 25807997, 25801518
25811063, 25810704, 25811650, 25812390, 25813931, 25818707, 25821810
25823532, 25823754, 25825910, 25826740, 25830492, 25832935, 25834581
25835365, 25838361, 25838755, 25852885, 25856821, 25858672, 25861398
25865785, 25870579, 25871177, 25871639, 25871753, 25872127, 25872389
25873336, 25874050, 25874678, 25882264, 25883438, 25885148, 25888073
25888984, 25890056, 25890673, 25890782, 25894239, 25895218, 25897615
25898228, 25904273, 25904490, 25905130, 25906117, 25906886, 25908728
25911718, 25914276, 25919622, 25932518, 25932728, 25933494, 25941836
25943271, 25945130, 25947799, 25951571, 25953857, 25954102, 25954054
25957038, 25963018, 25964954, 25967544, 25967985, 25970731, 25971286
25971817, 25973152, 25975723, 25977310, 25980605, 25980770, 25981498
25982666, 25986062, 25990107, 25995938, 25997810, 26006257, 26007010
26019148, 26018732, 26018784, 26105681, 26109075, 26109777, 26109780
26032573, 26034119, 26036748, 26037215, 26038086, 26039623, 26040483
26045732, 26051656, 26078437, 26078493, 26080410, 26083298, 26087754
26088426, 26088836, 26010767, 26010893, 26011640, 26011786, 26015327
26015405, 26016382, 26108080, 26108337, 26111059, 26110632, 26111842
26112621, 26115103, 26121990, 26118078, 26130486, 26137367, 26137416
26138085, 26145560, 26149904, 26153372, 26153977, 26168933, 26169341
26169345, 26170659, 26170715, 26176010, 26187943, 26189861, 26198757
26198926, 26201113, 26203182, 26223039, 26237338, 26237431, 26237773
26238195, 26182031, 26182677, 26183698, 26184115, 26185237, 26188143
26189718, 26256131, 26257953, 26259265, 26261327, 26263328, 26263721
26268756, 26269790, 26271001, 26274660, 26275103, 26275415, 26277439
26281476, 26285062, 26285933, 26308650, 26301047, 26317991, 26318627
26323308, 26318206, 26318769, 26325856, 26327418, 26327618, 26327775
26330194, 26331743, 26333141, 26336977, 26338953, 26351334, 26351996
26353617, 26358670, 26359011, 26362155, 26362821, 26366517, 26367012
26367460, 26371725, 26373967, 26374791, 26375052, 26375250, 26380017
26385189, 26388538, 26396790, 26398675, 26399626, 26399691, 26405036
26406387, 26407408, 26410180, 26412540, 26418088, 26420561, 26421667
26422277, 26423085, 26426526, 26426967, 26430323, 26430737, 26434436
26434999, 26435073, 26436168, 26438612, 26439748, 26440169, 26440749
26442308, 26444601, 26444887, 26446018, 26452606, 26474662, 26474703
26475419, 26476184, 26478970, 26479173, 26482376, 26486365, 26492866
26493289, 26498354, 26513067, 26513701, 26521043, 26521839, 26523432
26526726, 26526799, 26536320, 26537307, 26542135, 26542236, 26542835
26544823, 26545688, 26546070, 26546664, 26546754, 26548363, 26556014
26558437, 26569225, 26575788, 26580633, 26581860, 26584641, 26588069
26597140, 26599395, 26608137, 26608238, 26601942, 26615291, 26615690
26617804, 26623652, 26626879, 26629381, 26633355, 26633558, 26635897
26637273, 26637818, 26639167, 26641610, 26651026, 26650540, 26654363
26658759, 26659182, 26669550, 26680105, 26712331, 26714486, 26714910
26717528, 26718511, 26725687, 26727397, 26729494, 26729611, 26740700
26744595, 26745010, 26751106, 26751171, 26755171, 26758193, 26764561
26765212, 26768105, 26775610, 26784501, 26790123, 26794786, 26797591
26798411, 26798516, 26810503, 26816582, 26820076, 26822314, 26822620
26818833, 26828994, 26829845, 26833932, 26837569, 26837710, 26840654
26844406, 26844870, 26849779, 26871815, 26875822, 26883456, 26895149
26896659, 26898563, 26907236, 26907327, 26908788, 26901100, 26901504
26910716, 26911000, 26939314, 26943004, 26944190, 26958896, 26963310
26966616, 26966916, 26967713, 26968670, 26969321, 26970175, 26970717
26981910, 26983259, 26985010, 26986173, 26992964, 27000158, 27006120
27006664, 27001164, 27013146, 27108251, 27032785, 27033520, 27033652
27034890, 27036163, 27037839, 27038986, 27039712, 27044169, 27044297
27045634, 27052607, 27056711, 27058530, 27060167, 27060859, 27061736
27072923, 27073314, 27079140, 27084613, 27087426, 27010765, 27012508
27013423, 27017854, 27100800, 27101105, 27105900, 27106179, 27110878
27115422, 27117822, 27119621, 27119861, 27122162, 27118618, 27125872
27133662, 27134734, 27135647, 27135993, 27138325, 27142120, 27142373
27142529, 27144928, 27151826, 27153641, 27160122, 27161071, 27162390
27161805, 27163928, 27165231, 27169796, 27170305, 27181537, 27181897
27185188, 27195935, 27199185, 27200159, 27202115, 27203055, 27207110
27208795, 27213218, 27216046, 27217412, 27223075, 27229389, 27231051
27234962, 27236722, 27182226, 27184337, 27184999, 27188917, 27189531
27250547, 27251690, 27255377, 27256000, 27258578, 27259307, 27262945
27264464, 27266185, 27274456, 27274536, 27275533, 27276231, 27283960
27284499, 27285184, 27288638, 27292213, 27293599, 27310711, 27310730
27303287, 27303938, 27304410, 27304906, 27305039, 27308088, 27314206
27314390, 27314697, 27320576, 27321179, 27329612, 27333106, 27334316
27338912, 27338946, 27339115, 27345231, 27346701, 27348081, 27349393
27351067, 27351628, 27359178, 27364854, 27367194, 27369515, 27370165
27375542, 27381498, 27383281, 27386467, 27393570, 27394703, 27395416
27396618, 27396672, 27396813, 27397048, 27400416, 27400598, 27404573
27404668, 27405645, 27416997, 27423251, 27418405, 27426363, 27432062
27432826, 27433385, 27433870, 27434193, 27439835, 27441326, 27442041
27445727, 27457891, 27459593, 27459948, 27466597, 27468303, 27486805
27487919, 27489107, 27493674, 27494663, 27501373, 27501413, 27501820
27504770, 27505229, 27508985, 27510159, 27525901, 27529661, 27533780
27533819, 27534501, 27540613, 27544973, 27548131, 27554074, 27555481
27558861, 27560610, 27561888, 27565906, 27567477, 27576342, 27576354
27587905, 27588271, 27593501, 27595973, 27601118, 27601441, 27607563
27611612, 27613080, 27613530, 27617978, 27620808, 27623159, 27629756
27632114, 27634676, 27634991, 27645231, 27657712, 27658186, 27666312
27671633, 27680669, 27686599, 27687880, 27688036, 27688019, 27688692
27691920, 27691939, 27693416, 27693713, 27695063, 27698953, 27700466
27704237, 27701046, 27710072, 27719000, 27726780, 27729678, 27739006
27740418, 27748954, 27751755, 27757567, 27757888, 27758544, 27758653
27758972, 27759077, 27769361, 27793533, 27799032, 27801337, 27818389
27819881, 27818540, 27818543, 27825181, 27828794, 27829295, 27833672
27834551, 27834569, 27835925, 27839353, 27846298, 27846499, 27847259
27850112, 27855490, 27861226, 27873412, 27882176, 27886087, 27897759
27898015, 27910561, 27901478, 27927431, 27929287, 27931299, 27935493
27940876, 27945870, 27951817, 27959048, 27959594, 27966472, 27967484
27983174, 27986817, 27994325, 27995215, 27995188, 27997875, 27998003
27999073, 27999638, 28001069, 28102021, 28103081, 28103399, 28103482
28018793, 28105414, 28106866, 28033429, 28040776, 28043157, 28045903
28067846, 28071549, 28072383, 28072567, 28074713, 28079127, 28010453
28018160, 28019662, 28108003, 28111583, 28120036, 28120151, 28118631
28125947, 28129791, 28140658, 28157786, 28164480, 28165439, 28171079
28174827, 28180464, 28181101, 28184554, 28188330, 28190796, 28194173
28199085, 28201419, 28201985, 28215510, 28218832, 28220398, 28223871
28226179, 28229360, 28236305, 28238264, 28182712, 28250129, 28256164
28271119, 28276054, 28279837, 28281014, 28282606, 28290434, 28294563
28310049, 28305001, 28305362, 28301406, 28319114, 28320399, 28330714
28330171, 28354603, 28357401, 28361221, 28365111, 28369012, 28371123
28373960, 28375383, 28378446, 28384353, 28386259, 28388910, 28391073
28391210, 28396445, 28397317, 28401116, 28410823, 28420042, 28420457
28423598, 28432129, 28434108, 28437315, 28439086, 28454215, 28454182
28468312, 28468493, 28481149, 28483184, 28489150, 28501075, 28510343
28503038, 28507318, 28508053, 28508557, 28512336, 28521330, 28521841
28528349, 28530171, 28535127, 28535272, 28537715, 28538439, 28541855
28545134, 28546290, 28547068, 28564479, 28571483, 28571807, 28572834
28578164, 28578945, 28585411, 28587723, 28589501, 28601033, 28608211
28612674, 28617631, 28617959, 28621470, 28622210, 28627255, 28636676
28639299, 28642899, 28678804, 28691965, 28692103, 28692275, 28697806
28708103, 28701063, 28710469, 28714988, 28728272, 28734355, 28740708
28742555, 28749289, 28749718, 28758010, 28758722, 28774416, 28777174
28791725, 28797711, 28803345, 28817449, 28819640, 28820669, 28821847
28830691, 28831971, 28835937, 28836716, 28838066, 28844866, 28849751
28852691, 28855922, 28856060, 28856172, 28863263, 28863487, 28867992
28887305, 28889730, 28891984, 28927452, 28949888, 28951382, 28956908
28959493, 28961011, 28965015, 28965787, 28986231, 28986257, 28987439
28991884, 28993295, 28993590, 29001888, 29006527, 29007321, 29007353
29001513, 29013832, 29018054, 29106582, 29107694, 29032276, 29040739
29048498, 29050886, 29061016, 29061016, 29115857, 29125374, 29158680
29163567, 29171032, 29173817, 29179017, 29182517, 29182901, 29189889
29198012, 29200700, 29203604, 29213320, 29218605, 29237575, 29187712
29189289, 29251030, 29250317, 29260156, 29278684, 29301463, 29339155
29343086, 29343861, 29347943, 29353821, 29372069, 29371860, 29375355
29375984, 29376346, 29378913, 29379978, 29383695, 29388100, 29398488
29399336, 29405462, 29401149, 29401455, 29426181, 29434301, 29436454
29437712, 29450812, 29452251, 29454978, 29464779, 29483626, 29483672
29483723, 29483771, 29501057, 29500163, 29504682, 29511611, 29518985
29530515, 29536342, 29538631, 29541849, 29542580, 29548592, 29549071
29580394, 29614575, 29621961, 29625065, 29626154, 29629430, 29633753
29637526, 29645349, 29651520, 29656843, 29667994, 29676089, 29678163
29685137, 29687220, 29690625, 29703195, 29707896, 29719146, 29718063
29726695, 29767177, 29782211, 29791152, 29794462, 29807964, 29813494
29817278, 29825525, 29836659, 29841687, 29846645, 29853485, 29865188
29869404, 29875459, 29876358, 29881050, 29884958, 29893132, 29910311
29914449, 29944035, 29944660, 29951620, 29961353, 29962927, 29962939
29991257, 30018017, 30031107, 30064268, 30076253, 30078934, 30088912
30018251, 30019310, 30114477, 30120608, 30125995, 30131286, 30147928
30150731, 30163183, 30164714, 30173113, 30177597, 30179644, 30189103
30196358, 31000758, 31015130, 31018044, 31018317, 31023712, 31039480
30181567, 30184787, 30186179, 30187305, 31052018, 31052156, 31053255
31065523, 31072329, 31081591, 31082501, 31083932, 30305880, 30312014
30342878, 30364613, 30365745, 30374739, 30384152, 30410386, 30403763
30408515, 30413137, 30416034, 30431274, 30441687, 30453442, 30458593
30460122, 30475115, 30485255, 30496957, 30497057, 30501574, 30503943
30501277, 30510527, 30582500, 30613937, 30635310, 30654401, 30671813
30741263, 30803210, 30815852, 30168208

OPatch succeeded.

[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ export PATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/$PATH
[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ opatch version
OPatch Version:
OPatch succeeded.

Here we are going to apply patch with opatch apply.

User need to give Y to proceed Patch.

[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
from : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks…
OPatch continues with these patches: 30886680

Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
All checks passed.

Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
(Oracle Home = '/u01/app/oracle/product/')

Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Backing up files…
Applying interim patch '30886680' to OH '/u01/app/oracle/product/'
ApplySession: Optional component(s) [ oracle.swd.oui, ] , [ oracle.oid.client, ] , [ oracle.has.crs, ] , [ oracle.rdbms.drdaas, ] , [ oracle.ons.daemon, ] , [ oracle.network.cman, ] not present in the Oracle Home or a higher version is found.

Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.util,…
Patching component oracle.network.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.ctx,…
Patching component oracle.ctx.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.has.common.cvu,…
Patching component oracle.ldap.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.deconfig,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic,…
Patching component oracle.sdo,…
Patching component oracle.sdo.locator,…
Patching component oracle.tfa,…
Patching component oracle.xdk.parser.java,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.dv,…
Patching component oracle.precomp.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.crs,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.rman,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.install.plugins,…
Patching component oracle.sqlplus,…
Patching component oracle.ons,…
Patching component oracle.oraolap,…
Patching component oracle.xdk.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.xdk,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.lbac,…
Patching component oracle.sqlplus.ic,…
Patching component oracle.assistants.server,…
Patching component oracle.nlsrtl.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.assistants.deconfig,…
Patching component oracle.ldap.rsf.ic,…
Patching component oracle.ldap.client,…
Patching component oracle.assistants.acf,…
Patching component oracle.rdbms.oci,…
Patching component oracle.install.deinstalltool,…
Patching component oracle.oracore.rsf,…
Patching component oracle.precomp.lang,…
Patching component oracle.precomp.common,…
Patching component oracle.jdk,…
Patch 30886680 successfully applied.
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/product/

OPatch succeeded.

Bringing up the instance and execute the datapatch verbose.

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1883107968 bytes
Fixed Size 8623736 bytes
Variable Size 671011080 bytes
Database Buffers 1795162112 bytes
Redo Buffers 8151040 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

[oracle@oracleagent 30886680]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch
[oracle@oracleagent OPatch]$ ./datapatch -verbose
SQL Patching tool version Production on Mon Jan 18 10:33:28 2021
Copyright (c) 2012, 2021, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Log file for this invocation: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_30825_2021_01_18_10_33_28/sqlpatch_invocation.log
Connecting to database…OK
Bootstrapping registry and package to current versions…done
Determining current state…done
Current state of SQL patches:
Bundle series DBRU:
ID 200414 in the binary registry and not installed in the SQL registry

Adding patches to installation queue and performing prereq checks…
Installation queue:
Nothing to roll back
The following patches will be applied:

Installing patches…
Patch installation complete. Total patches installed: 1

Validating logfiles…
Patch 30886680 apply: SUCCESS
logfile: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/30886680/23474251/30886680_apply_BIJU1_2021Jan18_10_34_01.log (no errors)
SQL Patching tool complete on Mon Jan 18 10:37:30 2021

[oracle@oracleagent OPatch]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Jan 18 10:38:48 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.
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Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SQL> SELECT owner, object_name, object_type FROM all_objects WHERE status ='INVALID';
no rows selected

SQL> set line 1000
col action form a12
col version form a40
col description form a85
col action_date form a20
select description, action, to_char(action_time,'DD/MM/RR HH18:MI:SS') action_date, ' ' version
from dba_registry_sqlpatch;

DESCRIPTION              ACTION             ACTION_DATE          VERSION
----------------------------- ---------- --------------------- ------------------
DATABASE APR 2021 RELEASE      APPLY   18/01/20 10:37:30

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