Oracle 19c Binaries and Database installation

Here , I am going to install 19c binaries database software, but I already moved the 19c software to my VM and i also unzipped it. Just I am running the ./runInstaller file as a oracle user.

Follow the steps to install 19c database software,

Step:1 in this window choose Set up Software only option and click Next. It means that we are only installing the software.




Step:2 The second page asks for whether we are installing single instance database or RAC Installation, choose single instance db installation and click Next.

Step:3 Here we have to choose the type of the edition we are going to install,either Enterprise edition or Standard Edition 2,choose Enterprise edition and click Next.


Step:4 Then it asks for Oracle base location, choose ‘/u01/app/oracle’ as location and then click Next.


Step:5 Choose inventory location(/u01/app/oraInventory) and oraInventory group as oinstall.


Step:6 in this window select OSDBA , OSOPER , OSBACKUPDBA , OSDGDBA , OSKMDBA , OSRACDBA group as oinstall and proceed further.

Step:7 It shows for root script execution configuration ,here don’t choose any of the option go to the next window.

Step:8 This window asks to perform the prerequisite checks, for us two of the checks completed with warning. click Next.

Step:9 Yes we have completed all the steps this is the summary page of our software installation, check the details if it is correct proceed further.

Step:10 Our 19c software installation is in progress.

Step:11 When the software is in progress,you have to run the following two scripts as “root” user.

Step:12 The oracle 19c software was installed successfully.

Step:13 Previously we have installed the 19c software, we are proceeding with the database creation. Using dbca create the database, choose create a database option and click Next.

Step:14 In this window choose advanced configuration.

Step:15 choose database type as oracle single instance database and you have to choose a template for your database. here I choose general purpose or transaction processing as a template for my db.

Step:16 In this specify the global database name and Sid ,it is nothing but the name you give to your database.

Step:17  We have to choose the attributes for your database, either we can use default storage attributes or you can specify the customized attributes.

Step:18 you have to enable the Fast Recovery Area option it is used to recover your database, then click Next.

Step:19 create a new listener, enter the listener name and port number for your listener, it very important to configure a listener for your db.

Step:20 configure the oracle data vault option if you want. it helps us to protect our application data by providing powerful security controls.

Step:21 it asks for storage option either we want to use ASMM or MSMM.I am choosing Automatic Shared Memory Management and set the required SGA,PGA values.

Step:22 select use Unicode (AL32UTF8) character set and choose National character set, default language, default territory as follows,

National character set :AL16UTF16

Default language: American

Default territory: United states

Step:23 Select the management option as ‘configure Enterprise Manager (EM) database express check box.

Step;24 Create the password credentials for your db, here I use the same administrative passwords for all accounts.

Step:25 We have completed all the above mentioned configurations, we have yet one more step left to create a database. Choose the create database check box.

Step:26 check with all the configurations are correctly configured and proceed further.

Step:27 After that the database creation is in progress.

Step:28 we have successfully completed the database and we can now connect to our database. Here I have connected to my db and checked the name, open_mode of my database.

Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.
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