When SET DBID needed in RMAN?

Restrictions and Usage Notes for the SET DBID Command:

You should only run the SET DBID command in the following specialized circumstances:

  • You are not connected to a recovery catalog and want to restore the control file or server parameter file.
  • You are connected to a recovery catalog and want to restore the control file, but the database name is not unique in the recovery catalog.

When you restore the control file, you must use the SET DBID command to identify the target database. The DBID is used to determine the location of control file auto backups.

We can get the DBID from below query


when we run the rman to connect the target database:

If you are using RMAN catalog, and you have a clone of your database with the same DBID, how the RMAN will differentiate between them?. Here you need to change the DBID of the cloned database using DBNEWID utility to avoid confusion.

In this below blog i showed you how to change DATABASE Name with DBNEWID utility.

Change DB name with DBNEWID Utility in 19c

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Change PDB name with DBNEWID Utility in 19c

DBNEWID Utility:

NID utility has been introduced with Oracle 10g to change the database name and id. Without NID changing the DBNAME is only possible by recreating the control files. Changing the DBID was not possible before, as this is the database unique identifier. Giving a database a new DBNAME is common after migration of a database instance using Data Guard or duplicate where DBNAME and DB_UNIQUE_NAME differs and shall be synchronized afterwards. In some situation an ORA-01103 error occurs and changing the DBNAME to a new value may be needed.


  1. Verifying the pluggable database
  2. For rename the pluggable database, We need to open the database in Restricted Mode
  3. Set the container database name
  4. Renaming the pluggable database
  5. Open the pluggable database

Note : For an example , I am taking Source PDB “Mumbai” and renaming as “Noida”,  

Step 1:

Verifying the available pluggable database in our local CDB

SQL> select con_id,name,open_mode from v$Pdbs;

Step 2:

Before we need to rename the pluggable database ,We should bring the PDB close and open it in “RESTRICTED MODE”

alter pluggable database mumbai close;

Step 3:

Opening the PDB in restricted mode,

alter pluggable database mumbai open restricted;

Step 4:

Set the PDB “MUMBAI”

alter session set container=mumbai;

Step 5:

Here we are renaming the pluggable database name “mumbai” as “noida”

alter pluggable database rename global_name to noida;

Step 6:

Here we can check the renamed pdb by issuing the below command

select con_id,name,open_mode from v$Pdbs;

But , the database is in restricted mode so we need to open the database,

Now the database name has been changed .