Oracle Linux 7 (OEL7) Installation


This article guides you to perform the installation of Oracle Linux 7 (OEL7).

  1. Choose “Install Oracle Linux 7.3” and press enter.

Step:1 Select the type of configuration do you want, typical or custom. Mostly in this below options typical is recommended if you need to set some advanced configuration you can choose custom option.

Step:2 Browse  the iso file location and select I will install the operating system later option.


Step:3 Select a guest operating system, I have chosen the Linux operating system.


Step:4 Specify the virtual machine name and location of the virtual machine.

Step:5 Configure the maximum disk size I have configured the 200GB disk size and select the option store virtual disk as a single file.


Step:6 Specify the memory size of the virtual machine.


Step:7 Use  ISO image file, specify the OS location OEL 7(Linux 7) software.

Step:8 Set the Date and time, choose the timezone, region and city as Asia and Kolkata respectively.

Step:9 Select the base environment and adds on for selected environment, select all the check boxes for all the base environments.


Step:10 Specify the installation destination, here we can partition our storage either by  automatic partitioning or customized partitioning.

Step:11 Do the partition manually. Such as create the following mount points /boot , / , swap.


Step:12 This page asks for the confirmation, whether we can go with the configured partitions.

Step:13 Setup the password for the root user.


Step:14 We can create the user, I have created the user oracle and set up the password for the oracle user. Now we all set for the installation we can proceed further.

Step:15 Now we can login to the oracle user and get in to the VM.

Step:16 Choose the language as English(United states).

Step:17 Now we can use the Virtual Machine installed with Linux 7 OS and I checked my internet is working within  the VM by pinging

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RMAN-06183: datafile or datafile copy xyz.dbf larger than MAXSETSIZE
RMAN Database Restore ASM
Restore Tablespace using RMAN
RMAN backup Full Database
RMAN Backup Tablespace
RMAN Backup Particular Datafile
RMAN Backup Spfile
RMAN Backup Current Control file
RMAN Backup Archive log Until Sequence
RMAN Backup Archive log Between Sequence
RMAN Backup Archive log Between SCN
RMAN Backup Archive log Until SCN
RMAN Backup Database Plus Archive log
RMAN Backup Database Includes A Control file
RMAN Backup Archive log and All Delete Input
RMAN Backup Archive log All and Skip Inaccessible
LEVEL 0 and LEVEL 1 Backup And Recovery using RMAN
Backup-based Cloning of a database using RMAN
point-in-time recovery using RMAN in 19c
Recover a loss of all online redo log files

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Change PDB name with DBNEWID Utility in 19c

DBNEWID Utility:

NID utility has been introduced with Oracle 10g to change the database name and id. Without NID changing the DBNAME is only possible by recreating the control files. Changing the DBID was not possible before, as this is the database unique identifier. Giving a database a new DBNAME is common after migration of a database instance using Data Guard or duplicate where DBNAME and DB_UNIQUE_NAME differs and shall be synchronized afterwards. In some situation an ORA-01103 error occurs and changing the DBNAME to a new value may be needed.


  1. Verifying the pluggable database
  2. For rename the pluggable database, We need to open the database in Restricted Mode
  3. Set the container database name
  4. Renaming the pluggable database
  5. Open the pluggable database

Note : For an example , I am taking Source PDB “Mumbai” and renaming as “Noida”,  

Step 1:

Verifying the available pluggable database in our local CDB

SQL> select con_id,name,open_mode from v$Pdbs;

Step 2:

Before we need to rename the pluggable database ,We should bring the PDB close and open it in “RESTRICTED MODE”

alter pluggable database mumbai close;

Step 3:

Opening the PDB in restricted mode,

alter pluggable database mumbai open restricted;

Step 4:

Set the PDB “MUMBAI”

alter session set container=mumbai;

Step 5:

Here we are renaming the pluggable database name “mumbai” as “noida”

alter pluggable database rename global_name to noida;

Step 6:

Here we can check the renamed pdb by issuing the below command

select con_id,name,open_mode from v$Pdbs;

But , the database is in restricted mode so we need to open the database,

Now the database name has been changed .

Oracle Database In-Memory concepts in 19c

Version 19.8 has below updates:

New Features

The following major features are new in this release.

  • Database In-Memory Base LevelStarting with Oracle Database release 19c, version 19.8, you can enable the Database In-Memory Base Level by setting the INMEMORY_FORCE initialization parameter to BASE_LEVEL. The Base Level enables you to experiment with In-Memory features without purchasing the Oracle Database In-Memory option.When the Base Level is enabled, the IM column store size is limited to 16 GB for a CDB or non-CDB and for every database instance in an Oracle RAC database. Also, the compression level for all objects and columns is set to QUERY LOW automatically and transparently, and Automatic In-Memory is disabled. The CELLMEMORY feature is disabled for Oracle Exadata.
  • Starting with Oracle Database release 19c, version 19.8, you can use the CellMemory feature without enabling the IM column store by setting INMEMORY_FORCE=CELLMEMORY_LEVEL and INMEMORY_SIZE=0. With these settings, the IM column store is not enabled and queries can use CellMemory to scan objects.In previous releases of Oracle Database, in order to use the CellMemory feature, you were required to enable the IM column store, even if you had no intention of using it. This incurred the overhead of enabling the IM column store without any benefit.


Changes in Oracle Database Release 19c, Version 19.1

New Features

  • Database In-Memory Base LevelEnable the Database In-Memory Base Level by setting the INMEMORY_FORCE initialization parameter to BASE_LEVEL. The Base Level enables you to experiment with In-Memory features without purchasing the Oracle Database In-Memory option.When the Base Level is enabled, the IM column store size is limited to 16 GB for a CDB or non-CDB and for every database instance in an Oracle RAC database. Also, the compression level for all objects and columns is set to QUERY LOW automatically and transparently, and Automatic In-Memory is disabled. The CELLMEMORY feature is disabled for Oracle Exadata.
  • Database In-Memory wait on populateThe DBMS_INMEMORY_ADMIN.POPULATE_WAIT function initiates population of all INMEMORY objects that have a priority greater than or equal to the specified priority, and returns a status value for the population. A user-specified interval specifies the maximum time that the function waits before returning the value to the caller.
    • The ORACLE_HIVE and ORACLE_BIGDATA drivers are supported.
    • Parallel query is supported.
    • A full table scan populates an In-Memory external table. In previous releases, population required using the POPULATE or REPOPULATE procedure of DBMS_INMEMORY.
    • The In-Memory background processes, rather than a foreground process, now drop IM segments.Big Data and performance enhancements for In-Memory external tablesThis release introduces several manageability and performance improvements to the In-Memory external tables feature:
  • Hybrid partitioned tablesPartitions can reside in both Oracle Database segments and in external files and sources. This feature significantly enhances partitioning for Big Data SQL, where large portions of a table can reside in external partitions. Only the internal partitions of a hybrid partitioned table inherit the INMEMORY attribute.
  • Oracle Database Resource Manager automatically enabled for Database In-MemoryWhen INMEMORY_SIZE is greater than 0, the Resource Manager is automatically enabled.
  • Oracle Data Guard Multi-Instance Redo Apply supports the IM column storeSetting the initialization parameter ENABLE_IMC_WITH_MIRA to TRUE enables the IM column store and Data Guard Multi-Instance Redo Apply at the same time on an Active Data Guard standby database. By default, ENABLE_IMC_WITH_MIRA is FALSE.

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Oracle Database In-Memory concepts in 19c

Version 19.8 has below updates:

New Features

The following major features are new in this release.

  • Database In-Memory Base LevelStarting with Oracle Database release 19c, version 19.8, you can enable the Database In-Memory Base Level by setting the INMEMORY_FORCE initialization parameter to BASE_LEVEL. The Base Level enables you to experiment with In-Memory features without purchasing the Oracle Database In-Memory option.When the Base Level is enabled, the IM column store size is limited to 16 GB for a CDB or non-CDB and for every database instance in an Oracle RAC database. Also, the compression level for all objects and columns is set to QUERY LOW automatically and transparently, and Automatic In-Memory is disabled. The CELLMEMORY feature is disabled for Oracle Exadata.
  • Starting with Oracle Database release 19c, version 19.8, you can use the CellMemory feature without enabling the IM column store by setting INMEMORY_FORCE=CELLMEMORY_LEVEL and INMEMORY_SIZE=0. With these settings, the IM column store is not enabled and queries can use CellMemory to scan objects.In previous releases of Oracle Database, in order to use the CellMemory feature, you were required to enable the IM column store, even if you had no intention of using it. This incurred the overhead of enabling the IM column store without any benefit.


Changes in Oracle Database Release 19c, Version 19.1

New Features

  • Database In-Memory Base LevelEnable the Database In-Memory Base Level by setting the INMEMORY_FORCE initialization parameter to BASE_LEVEL. The Base Level enables you to experiment with In-Memory features without purchasing the Oracle Database In-Memory option.When the Base Level is enabled, the IM column store size is limited to 16 GB for a CDB or non-CDB and for every database instance in an Oracle RAC database. Also, the compression level for all objects and columns is set to QUERY LOW automatically and transparently, and Automatic In-Memory is disabled. The CELLMEMORY feature is disabled for Oracle Exadata.
  • Database In-Memory wait on populateThe DBMS_INMEMORY_ADMIN.POPULATE_WAIT function initiates population of all INMEMORY objects that have a priority greater than or equal to the specified priority, and returns a status value for the population. A user-specified interval specifies the maximum time that the function waits before returning the value to the caller.
    • The ORACLE_HIVE and ORACLE_BIGDATA drivers are supported.
    • Parallel query is supported.
    • A full table scan populates an In-Memory external table. In previous releases, population required using the POPULATE or REPOPULATE procedure of DBMS_INMEMORY.
    • The In-Memory background processes, rather than a foreground process, now drop IM segments.Big Data and performance enhancements for In-Memory external tablesThis release introduces several manageability and performance improvements to the In-Memory external tables feature:
  • Hybrid partitioned tablesPartitions can reside in both Oracle Database segments and in external files and sources. This feature significantly enhances partitioning for Big Data SQL, where large portions of a table can reside in external partitions. Only the internal partitions of a hybrid partitioned table inherit the INMEMORY attribute.
  • Oracle Database Resource Manager automatically enabled for Database In-MemoryWhen INMEMORY_SIZE is greater than 0, the Resource Manager is automatically enabled.
  • Oracle Data Guard Multi-Instance Redo Apply supports the IM column storeSetting the initialization parameter ENABLE_IMC_WITH_MIRA to TRUE enables the IM column store and Data Guard Multi-Instance Redo Apply at the same time on an Active Data Guard standby database. By default, ENABLE_IMC_WITH_MIRA is FALSE.

Reference : Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information. If you want to be updated with all our articles send us the Invitation or Follow us: Ramkumar’s LinkedIn: LinkedIn Group: Facebook Page: Ramkumar’s Twitter : Ramkumar’s Telegram: Ramkumar’s Facebook: