Its like a doctor script. My suggestion is to don’t directly run all the scripts in prod it will make some performance issue. Use the specified query and execute step by step. Its easy to figure out your issues.
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- --- one script to Identify all performace issue related to sql query ------ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Set echo off set trimspool on set define on column filename new_val filename select to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd-hh-mi-ss' ) filename from dual; column dbname new_value dbname noprint select name dbname from v$pdbs; spool &dbname-&filename..txt PROMPT ================== PROMPT DB INFO PROMPT ================== set lines 750 pages 9999 select name CDB_NAME,(select name from v$pdbs) PDB_NAME,database_role from v$database; select INSTANCE_NAME,HOST_NAME,logins,VERSION from v$instance; PROMPT ================== PROMPT TOTAL Connections PROMPT ================== set lines 750 pages 9999 break on report compute SUM of tot on report compute SUM of active on report compute SUM of inactive on report col username for a50 select DECODE(username,NULL,'INTERNAL',USERNAME) Username, count(*) TOT, COUNT(DECODE(status,'ACTIVE',STATUS)) ACTIVE, COUNT(DECODE(status,'INACTIVE',STATUS)) INACTIVE from gv$session where status in ('ACTIVE','INACTIVE') group by username; PROMPT ================ PROMPT Session Details PROMPT ================ set linesize 750 pages 9999 column box format a30 col serial# for 999999 column spid format a10 column username format a30 column program format a30 column os_user format a20 col LOGON_TIME for a20 select b.inst_id,b.sid,b.serial#,a.spid, substr(b.machine,1,30) box,to_char (b.logon_time, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') logon_time, substr(b.username,1,30) username, substr(b.osuser,1,20) os_user, substr(b.program,1,30) program,status,b.last_call_et AS last_call_et_secs,b.sql_id from gv$session b,gv$process a where b.paddr = a.addr and a.inst_id = b.inst_id and type='USER' order by b.inst_id,b.sid; PROMPT ================ PROMPT Sql Details PROMPT ================ column sid format 9999 column username format a15 column PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME format a15 column sql_text format a50 column module format a35 select a.inst_id,a.sid,a.username,b.PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME,a.module,a.sql_id,a.sql_child_number child,b.hash_value,to_char (a.sql_exec_start, 'dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') sql_exec_start,(sysdate-sql_exec_start)*24*60*60 SECS,b.rows_processed,a.status,substr(b.sql_text,1,50) sql_text from gv$session a,gv$sqlarea b where a.sql_hash_value = b.hash_value and a.sql_address = b.address and a.module not like '%emagent%' and a.module not like '%oraagent.bin%' and a.username is not null order by a.status; PROMPT ========================= PROMPT Sql Monitor - REPORT PROMPT ========================= column text_line format a1000 set lines 750 pages 9999 set long 20000 longchunksize 20000 select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor_list() text_line from dual; PROMPT ========================= PROMPT Sql Monitor - Executing PROMPT ========================= set lines 1000 pages 9999 column sid format 9999 column serial for 999999 column status format a15 column username format a10 column sql_text format a80 column module format a30 col program for a30 col SQL_EXEC_START for a20 SELECT * FROM (SELECT status,inst_id,sid,SESSION_SERIAL# as Serial,username,sql_id,SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE, program, TO_CHAR(sql_exec_start,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') AS sql_exec_start, ROUND(elapsed_time/1000000) AS "Elapsed (s)", ROUND(cpu_time /1000000) AS "CPU (s)", substr(sql_text,1,30) sql_text FROM gv$sql_monitor where status='EXECUTING' and module not like '%emagent%' ORDER BY sql_exec_start desc ); PROMPT ================ PROMPT Blocking Session PROMPT ================ set lines 750 pages 9999 col blocking_status for a100 select s1.inst_id,s2.inst_id,s1.username || '@' || s1.machine || ' ( SID=' || s1.sid || ' ) is blocking ' || s2.username || '@' || s2.machine || ' ( SID=' || s2.sid || ' ) ' AS blocking_status from gv$lock l1, gv$session s1, gv$lock l2, gv$session s2 where s1.sid=l1.sid and s2.sid=l2.sid and s1.inst_id=l1.inst_id and s2.inst_id=l2.inst_id and l1.BLOCK=1 and l2.request > 0 and l1.id1 = l2.id1 and l2.id2 = l2.id2 order by s1.inst_id; PROMPT ============================================================================== PROMPT More Details PROMPT ============================================================================== accept sid default '' - prompt 'Please provide the sid: ' accept inst_id default '' - prompt 'Please provide the inst_id: ' PROMPT ================ PROMPT SID Details PROMPT ================ column box format a30 column spid format a10 column username format a20 column program format a30 column os_user format a20 col LOGON_TIME for a20 select b.inst_id,b.sid,b.serial#,a.spid, substr(b.machine,1,30) box,to_char (b.logon_time, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') logon_time, substr(b.username,1,20) username, substr(b.osuser,1,20) os_user, substr(b.program,1,30) program,status,b.last_call_et AS last_call_et_secs,b.sql_id from gv$session b,gv$process a where b.paddr = a.addr and a.inst_id = b.inst_id and type='USER' and b.sid=&sid and b.inst_id=&inst_id order by logon_time; column sid format 9999 column username format a15 column PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME format a15 column sql_text format a50 column module format a35 select a.inst_id,a.sid,a.username,b.PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME,a.module,a.sql_id,a.sql_child_number child,b.hash_value,to_char (a.sql_exec_start, 'dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') sql_exec_start,(sysdate-sql_exec_start)*24*60*60 SECS,b.rows_processed,a.status,substr(b.sql_text,1,50) sql_text from gv$session a,gv$sqlarea b where a.sql_hash_value = b.hash_value and a.sql_address = b.address and a.sid=&sid and a.inst_id=&inst_id and a.module not like '%emagent%' and a.module not like '%oraagent.bin%' and a.username is not null order by a.status; accept sql_id default '' - prompt 'Please provide the sql_id: ' PROMPT ================ PROMPT SID Waiting on PROMPT ================ COLUMN username FORMAT A20 COLUMN sid FORMAT 9999 COLUMN serial# FORMAT 999999 COLUMN event FORMAT A40 SELECT NVL(s.username, '(oracle)') AS username, s.sid, s.serial#, se.event, se.total_waits, se.total_timeouts, se.time_waited, se.average_wait, se.max_wait, se.time_waited_micro FROM gv$session_event se, gv$session s WHERE s.sid = se.sid AND s.sid = &sid and s.inst_id=se.inst_id and s.inst_id=&inst_id ORDER BY se.time_waited DESC / col WAIT_CLASS for a10 SELECT sw.inst_id,NVL(s.username, '(oracle)') AS username, s.sid, s.serial#, sw.event, sw.wait_class, sw.wait_time, sw.seconds_in_wait, sw.state FROM gv$session_wait sw, gv$session s WHERE s.sid = sw.sid and s.inst_id=sw.inst_id and s.sid=&sid and s.inst_id=&inst_id ORDER BY sw.seconds_in_wait DESC; PROMPT ================ PROMPT Session LongOps PROMPT ================ SET VERIFY OFF SELECT a.sid,RPAD(a.opname,30),a.sofar,a.totalwork,a.ELAPSED_SECONDS,ROUND(((a.sofar)*100)/a.totalwork,3) "%_COMPLETED",time_remaining, RPAD(a.username,10) username,a.SQL_HASH_VALUE,B.STATUS FROM GV$SESSION_LONGOPS a, gv$session b WHERE a.sid=&sid and b.inst_id=&inst_id AND a.sofar<> a.totalwork / PROMPT ============================== PROMPT RealTime Monitoring For Sid PROMPT =============================== SELECT * FROM (SELECT status, --username, sql_id, sql_exec_id, TO_CHAR(sql_exec_start,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') AS sql_exec_start, ROUND(elapsed_time/1000000) AS "Elapsed (s)", ROUND(cpu_time /1000000) AS "CPU (s)", buffer_gets, ROUND(physical_read_bytes /(1024*1024)) AS "Phys reads (MB)", ROUND(physical_write_bytes/(1024*1024)) AS "Phys writes (MB)" FROM gv$sql_monitor where sid=&sid and inst_id=&inst_id ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC ) WHERE rownum<=20; SELECT ROUND(elapsed_time /1000000) AS "Elapsed (s)", ROUND(cpu_time /1000000,3) AS "CPU (s)", ROUND(queuing_time /1000000,3) AS "Queuing (s)", ROUND(user_io_wait_time /1000000,3) AS "I/O wait (s)", ROUND(application_wait_time/1000000,3) AS "Appli wait (s)", ROUND(concurrency_wait_time/1000000,3) AS "Concurrency wait (s)", ROUND(cluster_wait_time /1000000,3) AS "Cluster wait (s)", ROUND(physical_read_bytes /(1024*1024)) AS "Phys reads (MB)", ROUND(physical_write_bytes /(1024*1024)) AS "Phys writes (MB)", buffer_gets AS "Buffer gets", ROUND(plsql_exec_time/1000000,3) AS "Plsql exec (s)", ROUND(java_exec_time /1000000,3) AS "Java exec (s)" FROM gv$sql_monitor WHERE sid=&sid and inst_id=&inst_id; PROMPT ================================ PROMPT SQL_MONITOR REPORT PROMPT ================================ set pagesize 0 echo off timing off linesize 1000 trimspool on trim on long 2000000 longchunksize 2000000 select DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_SQL_MONITOR( sql_id=>'&sql_id', report_level=>'ALL', type=>'TEXT') from dual; PROMPT ================================ PROMPT Full sql statement PROMPT ================================ set lines 1000 pages 9999 set long 20000 col sql_text for a500 select sql_text from dba_hist_sqltext where sql_id = '&sql_id'; PROMPT ================ PROMPT Bind Variables PROMPT ================ col VALUE_STRING for a50 SELECT NAME,POSITION,DATATYPE_STRING,VALUE_STRING FROM gv$sql_bind_capture WHERE sql_id='&sql_id' and inst_id=&inst_id; PROMPT ================ PROMPT SQL History PROMPT ================ set lines 1000 pages 9999 COL instance_number FOR 9999 HEA 'Inst'; COL end_time HEA 'End Time'; COL plan_hash_value HEA 'Plan|Hash Value'; COL executions_total FOR 999,999 HEA 'Execs|Total'; COL rows_per_exec HEA 'Rows Per Exec'; COL et_secs_per_exec HEA 'Elap Secs|Per Exec'; COL cpu_secs_per_exec HEA 'CPU Secs|Per Exec'; COL io_secs_per_exec HEA 'IO Secs|Per Exec'; COL cl_secs_per_exec HEA 'Clus Secs|Per Exec'; COL ap_secs_per_exec HEA 'App Secs|Per Exec'; COL cc_secs_per_exec HEA 'Conc Secs|Per Exec'; COL pl_secs_per_exec HEA 'PLSQL Secs|Per Exec'; COL ja_secs_per_exec HEA 'Java Secs|Per Exec'; SELECT 'gv$dba_hist_sqlstat' source,h.instance_number, TO_CHAR(CAST(s.begin_interval_time AS DATE), 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') snap_time, TO_CHAR(CAST(s.end_interval_time AS DATE), 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') end_time, h.sql_id, h.plan_hash_value, h.executions_total, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.rows_processed_total / h.executions_total), '999,999,999,999') rows_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.elapsed_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') et_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.cpu_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cpu_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.iowait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') io_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.clwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cl_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.apwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ap_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.ccwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cc_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.plsexec_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') pl_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.javexec_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ja_secs_per_exec FROM dba_hist_sqlstat h, dba_hist_snapshot s WHERE h.sql_id = '&sql_id' AND h.executions_total > 0 AND s.snap_id = h.snap_id AND s.dbid = h.dbid AND s.instance_number = h.instance_number UNION ALL SELECT 'gv$sqlarea_plan_hash' source,h.inst_id, TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') snap_time, TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') end_time, h.sql_id, h.plan_hash_value, h.executions, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.rows_processed / h.executions), '999,999,999,999') rows_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.elapsed_time / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') et_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.cpu_time / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cpu_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.USER_IO_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') io_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cl_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.APPLICATION_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ap_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cc_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.PLSQL_EXEC_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') pl_secs_per_exec, TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.JAVA_EXEC_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ja_secs_per_exec FROM gv$sqlarea_plan_hash h WHERE h.sql_id = '&sql_id' and h.inst_id=&inst_id AND h.executions > 0 order by source ; PROMPT ================================ PROMPT Sql_id waiting on ? PROMPT ================================ select sql_id,event, time_waited "time_waited(s)", case when time_waited = 0 then 0 else round(time_waited*100 / sum(time_waited) Over(), 2) end "percentage" from ( select sql_id,event, sum(time_waited) time_waited from gv$active_session_history where sql_id = '&sql_id' and inst_id=&inst_id group by sql_id,event ) order by time_waited desc; PROMPT ================================ PROMPT Object Statistics PROMPT ================================ col table_name for a40 col owner for a30 select distinct owner, table_name, STALE_STATS, last_analyzed, stattype_locked from dba_tab_statistics where (owner, table_name) in (select distinct owner, table_name from dba_tables where ( table_name) in ( select object_name from gv$sql_plan where upper(sql_id) = upper('&sql_id') and inst_id=&inst_id and object_name is not null)) --and STALE_STATS='YES' / col index_name for a50 SELECT owner, index_name, table_name,last_analyzed, sample_size, num_rows, partitioned, global_stats FROM dba_indexes WHERE index_name IN ( select distinct rtrim(substr(plan_table_output, instr(plan_table_output, '|', 1, 3)+2, (instr(plan_table_output, '|', 1, 4)-instr(plan_table_output, '|', 1, 3)-2)), ' ') from ( SELECT plan_table_output FROM TABLE(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR('&sql_id', null, 'BASIC')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_xplan.display_awr('&sql_id', null, null, 'ALL')) ) where plan_table_output like '%INDEX%' ) ORDER BY owner, table_name, index_name / PROMPT ================================ PROMPT Explain Plan from Memory PROMPT ================================ col PLAN FOR a150 SELECT RPAD('(' || p.plan_line_ID || ' ' || NVL(p.plan_parent_id,'0') || ')',8) || '|' || RPAD(LPAD (' ', 2*p.plan_DEPTH) || p.plan_operation || ' ' || p.plan_options,60,'.') || NVL2(p.plan_object_owner||p.plan_object_name, '(' || p.plan_object_owner|| '.' || p.plan_object_name || ') ', '') || NVL2(p.plan_COST,'Cost:' || p.plan_COST,'') || ' ' || NVL2(p.plan_bytes||p.plan_CARDINALITY,'(' || p.plan_bytes || ' bytes, ' || p.plan_CARDINALITY || ' rows)','') || ' ' || NVL2(p.plan_partition_start || p.plan_partition_stop,' PStart:' || p.plan_partition_start || ' PStop:' || p.plan_partition_stop,'') || NVL2(p.plan_time, p.plan_time || '(s)','') AS PLAN FROM gv$sql_plan_monitor p WHERE sid=&sid and p.inst_id=&inst_id ORDER BY p.plan_line_id, p.plan_parent_id; select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('&sql_id', NULL, 'ALLSTATS LAST')); PROMPT ================================ PROMPT Explain Plan from AWR PROMPT ================================ select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_awr('&sql_id', NULL, null, 'ALLSTATS LAST')); PROMPT ================================ PROMPT Sql Profiles PROMPT ================================ set lines 1000 pages 9999 col name for a30 col task_exec_name for a16 col category for a10 col created for a30 col sql_text for a150 col signature for 9999999999999999999999999 select sql.sql_id,sql.child_number as child ,, prof.category, prof.created,prof.task_exec_name,prof.FORCE_MATCHING,prof.status,prof.SIGNATURE from dba_sql_profiles prof, gv$sql sql where sql.sql_id in ('&sql_id') -- and sql.child_number=child_number -- and sql.force_matching_signature=prof.SIGNATURE order by created; PROMPT ================ PROMPT Sql Baselines PROMPT ================ col SQL_HANDLE for a30 col origin for a16 col last_modified for a30 col last_verified for a30 select sql_handle, plan_name, origin, created, last_modified, last_verified,ENABLED,ACCEPTED,FIXED,REPRODUCED from dba_sql_plan_baselines where signature in (select force_matching_signature from gv$sql where sql_id='&sql_id' and inst_id=&inst_id); undef sid undef sql_id undef inst_id spool off; "
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