Oracle 12c to 19c upgrade using AutoUpgrade Method

In this blog, we will see how to upgrade Oracle Database 12c to 19c using AutoUpgrade Tool

What is the AutoUpgrade?

  • The Oracle Database AutoUpgrade utility is a small command-line tool that allows you to upgrade your databases very easily with very little interaction
  • The new AutoUpgrade utility in Oracle 19¢ performs almost 99% of the task by itself, we just have to provide inputs during the initial phase
  • So it performs Prechecks against multiple databases, upgrades multiple databases in one go
  • Also, it does Post upgrade, object recompilation, and time zone up-gradation
  • The only thing you need to provide is a contig file in text format

Which database releases are supported?

  • As a source, the minimum version is Oracle Database onwards

Download the latest auto-upgrade jar file

  • Auto upgrade utility autoupgrade.jar file exists by default under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory of Oracle 19c Home
  • Oracle strongly recommends downloading the latest AutoUpgrade version before doing the upgrade
  • You download the most recent version from MOS Note: 2485487.1  AutoUpgrade Tool
  • Once you download this jar file transfer it to the Server and create a new directory and place this file in that directory

cp -r autoupgrade.jar /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/db_1/rdbms/admin/

Java version:

  • Java version should be 8 or later, which is available by default in Oracle Database homes from release and latest

Create the config file

  • Create New Directory Which will contain your config file and logs
  • mkdir /home/oracle/auto_upgrade_19c

Run Below command to create sample config file which we will use to make final config file.

  • cd /home/oracle/auto_upgrade_19c
  • $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/autoupgrade.jar -create_sample_file_config
  • cp sample_config.cfg prod_db_config.cfg
  • Make necessary changes

Modify the config file according to your env

prddb_config.cfg file should have following entry which specifies source and target database home location and DB name and log locations and other information’s:


Analyze the database using modified config file

Auto upgrade Analyze mode checks your database to see if it is ready for the upgrade. This will reads data from the database and does not perform any updates.

Execute AutoUpgrade in analyze mode with the below syntax:

export ORACLE HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/db_1
export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin

cd /home/oracle/auto_upgrade_19c

$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/autoupgrade.jar -config prddb_config.cfg -mode ANALYZE

We can monitor, manage and control the jobs from the autoupgrade console.

  • lsj – to list the jobs
  • status – to show the job status
  • tasks – shows the tasks executing

Crosscheck and verify all logs before proceeding further

Deploy the upgrade and monitor

  • Auto upgrade Deploy mode performs the actual upgrade of the database from pre-upgrade source database analysis to post-upgrade checks.
  • Before starting Deploy make sure you have taken a backup of your database.

$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/autoupgrade.jar -config
prod_db_config.cfg -mode DEPLOY

  • Once the upgrade process is started consider monitoring the logs and database alert logs to see the progress of the upgrade. Auto upgrade logs are available under


Once the upgrade finishes crosscheck the below.

select name, open_mode, version, status from v$database, v$instance;

Post-upgrade task

  • Once the upgrade is successful and all testing is done, drop the restore point.
  • Drop the Guaranteed restore point

select name from v$restore_point;
drop restore point restorepoint_name;

  • Change the compatible parameter
  • After the upgrade, the database has to be tested properly before updating the compatible parameter. Once the parameter is updated database cannot be downgraded.

show parameter compatible;
alter system set compatible=’19.0.0′ scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate:
show parameter compatible;

Hope this blog was useful…

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