Redo log files are filled with redo records. A redo record also called a redo entry, is made up of a group of change vectors, each of which is a description of a change made to a single block in the database. For example, if you change a salary value in an employee table, you generate a redo record containing change vectors that describe changes to the data segment block for the table, the undo segment data block, and the transaction table of the undo segments.

Redo entries record data that you can use to reconstruct all changes made to the database, including the undo segments. Therefore, the redo log also protects rollback data. When you recover the database using redo data, the database reads the change vectors in the redo records and applies the changes to the relevant blocks.

SQL> select * from v$log;

SQL> select group#,status,sequence# from v$log;

    GROUP# STATUS            SEQUENCE#
---------- ---------------- ----------
         1 CURRENT                  91
         2 INACTIVE                 89
         3 INACTIVE                 90
SQL> select * from v$logfile;

Active (Current) and Inactive Redo Log Files

Oracle Database uses only one redo log file at a time to store redo records written from the redo log buffer. The redo log file that LGWR is actively writing to is called the current redo log file.

Redo log files that are required for instance recovery are called active redo log files. Redo log files that are no longer required for instance recovery are called inactive redo log files.

If you have enabled archiving (the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode), then the database cannot reuse or overwrite an active online log file until one of the archiver background processes (ARCn) has archived its contents. If archiving is disabled (the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode), then when the last redo log file is full, LGWR continues by overwriting the first available active file.

Add New redo log file

SQL> alter database add logfile group 4 '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TESTDB/redo04.dbf' 
size 100m; Database altered.

Add Member to an existing group

SQL> alter database add logfile member '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TESTDB/redo04b.log' 
to group 4; Database altered.

Drop member

SQL> alter database drop logfile member '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TESTDB/redo04b.log';

Database altered.

Drop Logfile Group

SQL> alter database drop logfile group 4;

Database altered.

SQL> select group#,status from v$log;

    GROUP#                STATUS
----------            ----------------
         1               CURRENT
         2               INACTIVE
         3               INACTIVE

Adding Two  member

SQL> alter database add logfile group 4 ('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TESTDB/redo04a.log',
'/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TESTDB/redo04C.log') size 100m; Database altered.
SQL> select group#,member from v$logfile;

    GROUP#         MEMBER
----------       ---------------------------                       
         4    /u01/app/oracle/oradata/TESTDB/redo04a.log

         4     /u01/app/oracle/oradata/TESTDB/redo04C.log

Log Switches and Log Sequence Numbers

A log switch is a point at which the database stops writing to one redo log file and begins writing to another. Normally, a log switch occurs when the current redo log file is completely filled and writing must continue to the next redo log file. However, you can configure log switches to occur at regular intervals, regardless of whether the current redo log file is completely filled. You can also force log switches manually.

Oracle Database assigns each redo log file a new log sequence number every time a log switch occurs and LGWR begins writing to it. When the database archives redo log files, the archived log retains its log sequence number. A redo log file that is cycled back for use is given the next available log sequence number.

Each online or archived redo log file is uniquely identified by its log sequence number. During a crash, instance, or media recovery, the database properly applies to redo log files in ascending order by using the log sequence number of the necessary archived and redo log files.

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Undo – Written on Blue Keyboard Key. Male Hand Presses Button on Black PC Keyboard. Closeup View. Blurred Background. 3D Render.

Undo tablespace check undo tablespace:
SQL> show parameter undo_tablespace;

NAME                                    TYPE              VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_tablespace                        string            UNDOTBS1

Check to undo retention:

SQL> show parameter undo_retention;

NAME                                    TYPE             VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_retention                         integer            900

Check to undo management:

SQL> show parameter undo_management;

NAME                                     TYPE                   VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                          string                  AUTO

create new undo tablespace

SQL> create undo tablespace undotbs2 datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ORACLEAGENT/undo2.dbf' size 100m;

Tablespace created.

change undo tablespace

SQL> alter system set undo_tablespace='undotbs2' scope=spfile; 
System altered.

SQL> show parameter undo_tablespace;

NAME                                   TYPE               VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_tablespace                        string            UNDOTBS1
SQL> shut immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1610609200 bytes 
Fixed Size 8897072 bytes
Variable Size 385875968 bytes 
Database Buffers 1207959552 bytes 
Redo Buffers 7876608 bytes
 Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> show parameter undo_tablespace;

NAME                                   TYPE             VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_tablespace                        string           undotbs2 

change undo_retention

SQL> show parameter undo_retention;

NAME                                    TYPE              VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_retention                         integer             900

SQL> alter system set undo_retention=920;
System altered.

SQL> show parameter undo_retention; 

NAME                                    TYPE           VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_retention                        integer           920 

check db block size

SQL> show parameter db_block_size;

NAME                                     TYPE              VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_block_size                            integer           8192

change undo management { auto | manual }

SQL> show parameter undo_management;
 NAME                                  TYPE               VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                       string             MANUAL

SQL> alter system set undo_management='auto' scope=spfile; 
System altered.

SQL> shut immediate; 
Database closed.
Database dismounted. 
ORACLE instance shut down.

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1610609200 bytes 
Fixed Size 8897072 bytes
Variable Size 385875968 bytes 
Database Buffers 1207959552 bytes 
Redo Buffers 7876608 bytes 
Database mounted.
Database opened.

SQL> show parameter undo_management;

NAME                                   TYPE            VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                        string         AUTO
Undo stages:
SQL> select tablespace_name tablespace, status, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 sum_in_mb, 
count(*) counts from dba_undo_extents group by tablespace_name, status order by 1,2;

TABLESPACE                      STATUS    SUM_IN_MB   COUNTS
------------------------------ --------- ---------- ----------
UNDOTBS1                        EXPIRED      1399.25     200
UNDOTBS1                        UNEXPIRED    168         21
UNDOTBS2                        EXPIRED      .375        6
UNDOTBS2                        UNEXPIRED     5.4375     42

Active, expired and unexpired transaction space usage in Undo Tablespace:-

ACTIVE: Status shows us the active transaction going in the database, utilizing the undo tablespace and cannot be truncated.

EXPIRED: Status shows us the transaction which is completed and complete the undo_retention time and now the first candidate for truncated from undo tablespace.

UNEXPIRED: Status shows us the transaction which is completed but not completed the undo retention time. It can be truncated if required.

Free blocks : At the time of creating new undo tablespace shows empty blocks

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